
Jane Grover: Navigate, don't tiptoe, around the Civic Center

I hope that economic realities and community planning lead us to the conclusion that the Civic Center should stay where it is, but we can't be afraid to ask the hard questions that get us there.  Short-sighted thinking dictates preservation of the Civic Center in the former Marywood Academy at all costs and without questioning the long-term repercussions for Evanston's finances and implications for this community's aspirations as a sustainable community. 

Tendam: Why being a full time alderman matters


For the 6th Ward I will…

  • establish regular office hours
  • solicit and listen to your views before expressing my own in the Council chamber
  • draw upon my experience and personal network to get things done for you

 For the entire City I will…

Assessor Eckersall/CSNA Member

Jeff, Thanks for the letter. I know it was probably an oversight, but I too am running for re-election.  I have lived in the same house for over 50 years ..five houses from Central Street and I am a member of CSNA.
Assessor Eckersall


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