“Reimagine Ryan Field” Project Next on Tap

As you probably know, Northwestern University (NU) has begun what will likely be over a year of planning, conceptual design, and design development for the rebuilding of Ryan Field.  The stadium was built in the 1920s, and is showing its age.  Don’t worry, the stadium isn’t falling down and the construction is at least a year away from starting.  We are so early in the process that there is no information available regarding capacity, design, renderings, footprint, construction, or schedule.  The stadium will not be a dome, which is a major disappointment for some. (Read more.)

VOTE NOW in the Friends of Lovelace Park Photo Contest

Enjoy the gallery of photos of Lovelace Park and place your vote for your favorite.

Voting is open until 3/15/22. 


Town Hall with Tom Suffredin 1/31/2022 - Video Recording

CSNA sponsored an on-line Town Hall on Monday, January 31 with 6th Ward Ald. Tom Suffredin and CSNA President Jeff Smith. Here below are links to the video recording of that meeting posted on Youtube.

Click 'Read more' to see all 17 sections.

2022 Friends of Lovelace Park Photo Contest

 Friends of Lovelace Park 2022 Photo Contest!

Show your love for Lovelace Park! Get out your camera and capture the beauty of our most Northwest park in Evanston.

Visit http://lovelacepark.com/2022-photo-contest/ to enter!

Submissions will be accepted until February 28th. Vote for your favorite beginning March 1st! Voting ends and the winner will be announced on March 15th.

Live Chat Tonight Jan. 31 with Ald. Tom Suffredin

Curious about the Evanston City Manager revolving door? What we're doing with our millions in COVID relief funds? What projects are steaming ahead and which are on the back burner? When are those potholes going to be filled? 6th Ward Ald. Tom Suffredin, who represents much of the Central Street neighborhood and is now in his second term, will graciously entertain questions tonight, Mon. Jan. 31, 2022 at 7:30pm from CSNA President Jeff Smith in what promises to be a free-ranging, live conversation on current City of Evanston questions and challenges.

Please register for the meeting in advance. You will then get an e-mail with instructions on how to join via ZOOM.

To register for the Zoom meeting click above or paste the following link into your broswer: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpf--prTgoH9FKOwLUuFaIL3-zyG0VaAz3

Have a topic you'd like discussed? Please send your questions by 5:00 pm today to: csnaboard9@gmail.com. Due to COVID distancing we will not all be in the same location, so emailed questions will have priority. Live questions will only be entertained if time permits.

See you tonight!

Council to Vote On City Manager Thurs. Support Ramos and The Position for the Community Alliance for a Better Government

I agree with Lesley WIlliams and The Community Alliance for a Better Government who are in support of Ramos to be our next City manager.

After watching the process and listening to the candidates, Ramos demonstrated a greater ability to bring a vision to Evanston which will is more fiscally responsible and more inclusive.  Dear friends,


Thurs. Dec. 16 7:00 PM-Ryan Stadium Rebuild-Zoom Meeting

Thursday, December 16th, 7:00-9:00 pm,  please join us at an important Zoom Meeting regarding the "Rebuilding of Northwestern's Ryan Field



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