JunadRizki's blog

North Branch Library - will be closed

The writing is on the wall the North Branch will be closed. There are not enough votes on the council to save it.
What should be done?

8th ward quick topic and free speech?


Liz Tisdahl - creative budget solutions?

Today I recieved Liz Tisdahl flyer in the mail, it suggest she has creative budget solutions.
One of budget solution she plans to renegotiate Evanston water contracts?  She seems to think somehow she is going to get the other suburbs to give us more money.  Lets get real! At one point she was stating legal action. This is alot of nonsense that will just waste our tax dollars.

We do not need a 7th ward Alderperson who will not answer questions!

In todays debate at the Civic Center, Jane Grover when asked a question about Liz Tisdahl record as alderperson, declined to answer it.
What does this say?
Someone might say, well Jane doesn't know Liz Tisdahl record, but given Jane was lived in the ward and is running for Alderperson that makes little sense.
While it was clear the question by the other person running for council was an attack on Liz Tisdahl record.  One  has to wonder why Jane could not think of even one good action by Liz in her six years?

Mr Opdycke comment from Evanstonnow.about firefighters support

The follow are Mr Opdycke comments from Evanstonnow.

Should residents avoid those endorsed by the Evanston Fire fighters PAC?

At the Mayorial forum Liz Tisdahl stated she recieved $500 and support of the fire fighters local 742 PAC, who are helping her. ( see Evanstonnow web site for a video )
Also Jane Grover has on her web site  stated she has been endorsed by this group. 
I do not know who they are endosing inthe 6th ward.
( maybe some one will coment?) 

Bad news on the North Branch Library ( or good news?)

Today I heard that the sale fell through for the building adjoining the North Branch library. What does that mean?
Council members proposed using the funds to renovate the North and South Branch.  Thus the project will most likely die?  What is interesting I believe they have awarded the engineering for the renovation.
Thus we may be moving one step closer to shuting the branches down. 
I believe the best solution to this continued mess is to have the citizens of North Evanston form their own library taxing district to take over the operation.


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