johnzbesko's blog

John Zbesko: The question of separate taxing bodies

At this late stage in the campaign for 7th ward alderman, several issues have arisen that truly allow the voters to draw distinctions between the candidates. However, on the issue of a separate taxing district for the library system, I'm not quite sure what my opponent, Jane Grover, thinks.

Differences between 7th Ward Candidates

Over the course of this campaign, I have endeavored to articulate my positions and explain my reasoning process. I have spoken at City Council meetings, written blogs and responded to others'. My opponents in the 7th Ward aldermanic race have not been as prolific, but with several forums and multiple questionnaires from various community groups, differences in positions and opinion are beginning to emerge.

Towards a Greener Evanston

Opening statement to a forum sponsored by Citizens for a Greener Evanston and the Evanston Public Library:
I want to especially thank Citizens for a Greener Evanston for sponsoring tonight's forum because it gives us a chance to talk about something else besides budgets and zoning, positions and policy.

I'm eager to answer your questions about environmental issues and Evanston.

The difference between a lawyer and economist

(Opening statement, League of Women Voters Evanston forum)
Like all the candidates running for an Evanston office, I have lived in Evanston for a long period of time, have been involved in the community and am eager and willing to serve you in elective office. I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I am a unique candidate for 7th ward alderman.

Firefighters Endorsement Process (by John Zbesko)

Since the issue of the the firefighters union endorsements has flared up, I would like to describe my interview with the director of the firefighters' PAC.  I was eager to win their endorsement. I know several firefighters who are Evanston residents and I have coached some of their children and they have coached some of mine. I appreciate the major efforts they have made in helping elect Democratic candidates to county, state, and national office.

John Zbesko - Opening Statement to CSNA Forum

Dear friends and neighbors,

For me, running for alderman is the culmination of two decades of community involvement and professional development. I've prepared for this job and timed it in my life. I've taken leadership classes and have flexible hours from my employer. I've run a political organization and I have a public record as trustee of a property tax district.

Camel's Nose Under the Tent

At the Planning and Development Committee meeting February 9, a zoning change for 912-946 Pitner was introduced. The proposed change was from Industrial to Mixed Use, thus allowing someone to live in the area. Two protagonists appeared- someone who wished to develop a commercial condo in which someone could live in a loft-type residence and a very long-time business owner who was concerned about disruption to this industrial area.


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