Submitted by johnzbesko on Sun, 04/24/2011 - 22:32
When was the last time you heard of a taxing unit of government that was so efficiently run that it could consider returning some of its tax revenue back to taxpayers? If the amount was only a very small portion of your tax bill, would you still consider it important? Would investing in environmental projects, such as solar energy, be an acceptable alternative use of reserves? At the May 7 public meeting of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement District (NSMAD) Board of Trustees, we will be considering these options. We welcome public input.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 10:17
Like many parents with children in the Evanston school systems, I have met many excellent teachers. However, I was also privy to many conversations with other parents about teachers to avoid and indeed, met teachers I felt should've retired or sought another career.
The subject of teacher tenure has been raised by J.B. Rees and nationally has been a Republican issue. I support labor in general, but I feel somewhat conflicted about tenure's local impact upon my children.
What are other Evanstonians opinions about this issue?
Submitted by johnzbesko on Fri, 02/26/2010 - 12:21
At the CSNA meeting last night, I reported on the nascent effort to bring Google high speed internet investment to Evanston. Many people were concerned about a repeat of the ugly V-RAD boxes littering our parkways. The following is a response from another attendee to the first meeting held 2/23/10.
From Neal Daringer:
Submitted by johnzbesko on Fri, 01/01/2010 - 18:19
Like the NU Wildcats coming back against the Auburn Tigers, Evanston's branch libraries have survived numerous budgets. But ultimately, the Wildcats lost and the branches most likely will fall to the current budget crisis. Emails are flying back and forth with requests for volunteers and arguments about the valuable services the branches give to our community. The fact remains, however, that the budget for the branches only shows one revenue source- taxpayer dollars.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 23:06
The yard signs are long gone; the new Council has been seated. Detailed voting data is now available from the Cook County Clerk's office. I support Alderman Grover and I offer belated thanks to my supporters. Running for public office is a learning experience and I would like to share my lessons.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 12:37
After speaking in several forums, filling out multiple questionnaires, and writing a series of blogs, I hope you, the voters, have a good idea of what I would bring and what I would be like as your alderman.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Wed, 04/01/2009 - 09:46
Lost in the conversation about support for the branch libraries was the premise of my answer to the CSNA forum question and also at the LWVE forum. I said the appeal of the branch libraries needs to be broadened beyond families with small children or people within walking distance so that the branches have more support among all the people of Evanston. With more general support, they would become less of a budgetary football.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Mon, 03/30/2009 - 22:29
At this late stage in the campaign for 7th ward alderman, several issues have arisen that truly allow the voters to draw distinctions between the candidates. However, on the issue of a separate taxing district for the library system, I'm not quite sure what my opponent, Jane Grover, thinks.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 23:04
Over the course of this campaign, I have endeavored to articulate my positions and explain my reasoning process. I have spoken at City Council meetings, written blogs and responded to others'. My opponents in the 7th Ward aldermanic race have not been as prolific, but with several forums and multiple questionnaires from various community groups, differences in positions and opinion are beginning to emerge.
Submitted by johnzbesko on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 23:39
Opening statement to a forum sponsored by Citizens for a Greener Evanston and the Evanston Public Library:
I want to especially thank Citizens for a Greener Evanston for sponsoring tonight's forum because it gives us a chance to talk about something else besides budgets and zoning, positions and policy.
I'm eager to answer your questions about environmental issues and Evanston.