To accomplish its purpose, CSNA will:
• Collect, publish, and serve as a clearinghouse for data and information about and concerning the Neighborhood;
• Facilitate the education of people who live in the Neighborhood and in the larger community on historic, sociological, demographic, environmental, and other aspects of issues concerning the Neighborhood;
• Provide a voice and forum for Neighborhood residents;
• Act as a liaison to governmental bodies, institutions, schools, businesses, prospective businesses and investors, and other Evanston community groups and neighborhood associations;
• Encourage and facilitate an active citizen awareness of and participation in decisionmaking on all issues concerning the Neighborhood and its facilities and amenities, including land use and development, zoning changes, environmental policy, traffic patterns and safety, mass transit, bicycle and pedestrian accessibility, and public improvements; and
• Work in collaboration with existing neighborhood, community, environmental, arts, and preservation groups to promote and preserve Neighborhood aspects and facilities which contribute substantially to the quality of life in the Neighborhood, including but not limited to its architecture, arts, ecology, and social vitality.