City Council passed the much-debated Healthy Buildings Ordinance in a 7-1 vote at its meeting Monday evening, putting Evanston on track to follow its Climate Action and Resilience Plan goals. The ordinance requires buildings of more than 20,000 square feet and municipal buildings of more than 10,000 square feet to eliminate on-site greenhouse gas emissions...
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I love to look back on the things and individuals that shaped the person that I am today. Even though I am a sophomore in university, I believe that it’s crucial to not just pay it back to those who supported you, but to pay it forward to a new generation that is inspired by...
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As an Air Force veteran (1964-1968), I reacted to Jeff Walsh’s letter with shared anger and sympathy, even though the circumstances of our military service differ greatly. I served in the military by obligation during the Vietnam draft era. I joined the Air Force to avoid being drafted by the Army. Mr. Walsh joined the...
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Bienen and Communication senior Mya Vandegrift’s “Pythia” premieres as a fusion of opera and musical theatre Thursday. As Communication junior and producer Nora James Eikner describes, the performance becomes “a genre of (its) own.” According to Vandegrift and Eikner, the show sold over 200 tickets in four minutes last Sunday for their five showtimes in...
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