CSNA Rocks Evanston 4th


On the 4th of July, a quartet of local musicians, performing as "Foolish Things," surfed the Central Street Neighbors Association truck-float while delighting the huge parade crowd along Central Street with some tasty classic rock selections. Central Street Neighborhood residents Matt Storkman and Jeff Smith provided lead vocals and bass, respectively, while Matt Sobczyk and Holly Shapiro of Morton Grove, on loan from Rent Party, graciously added guitar and drums. CSNA has provided live music for the public in every Evanston 4th of July parade held since 2007.

Zoning process changes matter

Over last weekend, CSNA learned of a potentially significant change to Evanston law lurking in an obscure agenda item of the Rules Committee. A legal department memo proposed concepts ranging from bypassing the Planning and Development Committee altogether for certain zoning decisions (such as granting special uses and variations, or approving large projects called planned developments), to preventing the City Council from reviewing the Land Use Commission decisions at all, requiring anyone dissatisfied to go to court. CSNA, after polling its Board, urged hitting the pause button on this. My individual remarks prepared for the Committee are as follows.

My comments to Rules Committee Mon. July 17, 2023 regarding zoning approval process memo

"Mayor Biss, Chair Nieuwsma,  Council Members, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Agenda Item D1 regarding the process for Land Use Commission recommendations. I’m Jim Hughes, 2518 Hartzell St.

Bad Choices tonight ...

Tonight, the Rules Committee of the Evanston City Council will discuss a memo from Deputy City Attorney Alexandra Ruggie recommending changes to the process of reviewing major variances and development projects.  Today that process includes the Land Use Commission (LUC) recommendation to the  Planning and Development Committee and the full City Council. The background is that on June 5, 2023, the Rules Committee discussed ways to ensure a hard start time for the City Council meetings.

We are asking our members to contact their council members to ask them to reject, at minimum, until there has been significantly more public discussion, all of the options except the status quo.


Read more ...

Ald. Revelle Meeting on Stadium Tonight

Residents and especially those in NE Evanston should know that Councilmember Eleanor Revelle is holding an informational meeting tonight, Tue. June 27, 7 pm, in the Parasol Room (4th floor of the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.), about the stadium project. University consultants will discuss NU’s sound assessment, traffic/parking plan, and proposed concert operations, and may answer public questions asked by Cmbr. Revelle. The public may not ask questions directly.

NU Stadium Rezoning Status (6/3/23)

While the public campaign focuses on “rebuild Ryan Field,” local public interest has centered on the re-zoning that is a quieter but larger change. At request of members and residents, CSNA will attempt to post periodic status reports on this process.

CSNA Zoning Forum Draws Crowd, Heated Interest

The Central Street Neighbors Association May 17, 2023 annual meeting and public conversation on zoning drew an estimated 100 residents to the Civic Center's Parasol Room on a weekday evening, with another dozen attending on Zoom, one of the larger public meetings held in Evanston since the pandemic's 2019 start. The event demonstrated the credibility CSNA holds as a source of information on civic affairs, as well as the high public interest in planning and zoning.

What the Heck Does Central Street Neighbors Do?

Many organizations have "mission statements." I far prefer, as a reveal to what a group is about, some idea of what it actually does. To that end, I scanned some notes, and here's a sampling of activity of the Central Street Neighbors Association over the years:

May 17th Community Conversation on Zoning -Purpose- Process-Impact

Central Street Neighbors Association is hosting a community conversation on the purpose, process and impact of zoning and our community. The Good, The Bad, and the Need to Know.  

In addition to the zoning discussion, material on Northwestern University's ordinance change requests in the U2 district at 1500 Central Street is expected to be available.


Mandatory Reading for City Officials before Voting on Ryan Field-City Code, Comprehensive Plan and Central Street Master Plan.

Contrary to how it sometimes seems that our city operates, we do have a zoning code, a comprehensive plan and the Central Street Master plan, all which are Evanston's guiding documents to run the city. These documents are more than suggestions, they provide guardrails. Today the Evanston Rountable posted an article on elected officials' opinions on 1) zoning variances for building the stadium to become a 10 story facility and 2) changing the zoning uses in the U2  District (University District).



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