Natural Habitat Evanston Meeting on Nov 13

On Tuesday, Nov. 13 Natural Habitat Evanston will hold a meeting

from 6:30 -8 p.m. at the Lorraine Morton Civic Center, Parasol Room (4th floor). 

On the agenda is a discussion of the Keefe Road easement request through Canal Shores Golf Course on the 10th Hole. 

This meeting is two days before the MWRD meeting - Nov. 15 - at which timea final vote on the road easement is expected.

33rd Annual Pancake Breakfast at American Legion Post 42 - Nov. 10

The American Legion Post 42 in Evanston is hosting its annual pancake breakfast on Sat. Nov. 10 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall, 1030 Central Street - at the golf course. Lots of free parking.

Great food. Golden pancakes, eggs made to order, sausages, orange juice and coffee.

All you can eat only $7! Kids under 6 free! (At the door, $9.)

Buy your tickets now!

All proceeds for good causes.

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District vote expected on easement request on November 1

The following news release has been issued by the Evanston Wilmette Golf Course Association today.



Cook County taxpayers would be on the hook for an estimated $500,000 if the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) approves a request by a politically-connected developer to pave over the 10th fairway of 100-year-old Canal Shores Golf Course in north suburban Evanston.


The MWRD board is scheduled to vote on the matter at a 10:30 a.m. meeting Thursday, Nov. 1 at 100 E. Erie St., Chicago.

MWRD Keefe agenda item cancelled?

This evening we received the following email from MWRD Commissioner Debra Shore:
Sent: Wed 10/17/2018 5:36 PM
FROM: Shore, Debra <>
Subject: Item #47 - Canal Shores - deleted from MWRD Board agenda for meeting of 10.18.2018

Greetings, all –
The Board of Commissioners has just received word that Item #47 (File #18-1090) – the item concerning Cook County’s request for an easement on District-owned land along the North Shore Channel in Wilmette – is being deleted from the Board agenda and will not be the subject of action at tomorrow’s meeting.
The situation surrounding this item is fluid and will remain so for the foreseeable future, and the agenda item will continue to be visible on the meeting agenda on the MWRD website all through tomorrow’s Board meeting.    
As always, please feel free to call or e-mail my office with questions and comments.
Debra Shore
Debra Shore
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
100 East Erie Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611
(312) 751-5690


If you are planning to attend ... you may want to contact Debra first.

We will update if we get any more news.

MWRD places Canal Shores Easement on Agenda for Thursday 10/18

We have learned that the easement for the Keefe property ( a proposed 60 X 300 foot county road on the Canal Shores 10th hole) ... will be on the agenda for this Thursday's meeting of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) commissioners.

The agenda item reads ...

Harley Clarke Public Forum- Weds., Oct. 10, 2018 - NEW VENUE - CHANDLER CENTER


Join CSNA at a special forum on Weds., October 10, at 7 p.m. to learn more about the current status of the Harley Clarke property, in light of the ballot initiative and ongoing discussions to move forward to demolition.

On November 6, Evanston voters will be asked to weigh in on an advisory referendum on Harley Clarke. The referendum reads as follows:

“Shall the City of Evanston protect from demolition and preserve the landmark Harley Clarke buildings and gardens next to Lighthouse Beach, for use and access as public property, consistent with the Evanston Lakefront Master Plan, at minimal or no cost to Evanston taxpayers?”

CSNA votes to oppose proposed easement on Canal Shores Golf Course

The Board of CSNA voted to support Canal Shores Golf Course and neighbors in an effort to oppose a proposed roadway through the golf course to access private property. A letter is being prepared to be sent to the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) which owns the land on which the golf course operates.

In 2016, the Keefe Family Trust (the Trust) proposed a road through Isabella Woods in Evanston to access property it owns in Wilmette. Both the MWRD which owns the land and the City of Evanston voted unanimously to oppose the roadway.

Now the Trust has developed a proposal for a road through the golf course, off Maple Avenue in Wilmette through the 10th hole.

On behalf of the Trust, the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (Cook County) is requesting the easement from the MWRD.  Canal Shores Board voted unanimously to adamantly oppose the roadway. The Wilmette Park District, which leases the land from MWRD will hold a public meeting on October 10 at which time this proposal will be discussed. The MWRD is expected to consider the request at its meeting on October 18.

A significant portion of Canal Shores’ 10th hole is in danger of being paved over for the benefit of the Keefe Family Trust associated with real estate developer, Dick Keefe Development Corporation.

The Trust is being assisted by Springfield politician and attorney John Cullerton, who is president of the Illinois Senate. The easement involves the use of public land for the benefit of a private landowner.

In addition to destroying the 10th hole tee area and much of the fairway, the easement would permanently harm Canal Shores’ most ecologically sensitive area, which includes multiple century-old oak trees and three wetlands. One of the wetlands would be paved over.  The other two wetlands would be negatively affected. This easement would also greatly harm one of the most aesthetic holes at Canal Shores and reduce valuable green space.

The roadway would also have a negative impact on homes nearby - with traffic and possible flooding.

The requested easement would be approximately 60’ wide x 300’ long and used to access a parcel that the Trust owns.  The parcel lies north of Isabella in Evanston and south of Maple Ave. in Wilmette just on the east side of the CTA tracks.  

If you oppose the use of public land for private benefit, impairment of an entire golf hole, or destruction of important ecological areas, please take prompt action on behalf of Canal Shores. You can learn more at

Click "Read more" below to read the CSNA letter to the Wilmette Park District and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.

Joint 6th Ward/7th Ward Budget Event, September 13 Chandler Center 

The City is hosting a multi-site budget event on the evening of Thursday, September 13, to give residents an overview of the budget process, discuss key issues, and take questions and input from residents prior to the publication of the Proposed Budget on October 5.

Bird Watching at Canal Shores - Sunday, Sept. 9

Join neighbors and friends of Canal Shores on Sunday, September 9 at 8 a.m. for a bird watching walk through the golf course.

Those interested will meet at the Pro Shop at 1030 Central Street and be guided through the course. (The Pro Shop is located in the "American Legion" building, just west of the CTA tracks.)

Alderman Revelle's Ward Meeting - September 27

Save the Date!

Ald. Eleanor Revelle will host a meeting for 7th Ward Residents on Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Evanston Ecology Center, 2424 McCormick Blvd.

The agenda includes


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