Representatives of neighbors of Three Crowns Park are awaiting a progress report following a Jan. 22 meeting with Ald. Moran, City officials, and 3CP staff to discuss parking and aesthetic problems stemming from the large expansion of the retirement community. The meeting followed a petition drive joined by dozens of upset area residents. As anyone who has tried to navigate the neighborhood knows, surrounding streets have seen a large increase in 3CP-related parking for over a year. Many thought this would abate with the end of contruction, but even now, the streets are congested, with Pioneer Rd. just east of the development transformed into a narrow corridor lined with cars.
Apparently, 3CP in its expansion plans made no provision for employee parking. The large underground parking garage is reportedly completely filled with residents' cars and the surface lots are dedicated to visitor use. This forces onto adjacent streets what 3CP admits are as many as 65 employee vehicles at the peak of the day.
3CP now claims that it never represented it would provide employee parking, but numerous neighbors who were at meetings involving the project when first proposed distinctly remember architect and/or other 3CP reps assuring residents otherwise, and feel that 3CP is being less than candid in its current representations. At least one City source advised neighbors that the project would not have been approved if it had been disclosed that the plan was to use the streets for all employee parking.
An additional problem is the large amount of unsightly, bright orange, carbon-vapor lighting at the development, much of which is not directed toward the ground and walkways but glares outward in all directions, including into neighbors' houses and the eyes of passing motorists. The Park is looking into light shielding and equipment replacement options.
Further issues discussed included the promised but not-yet-installed landscaping, and the port-a-potties, trash, and equipment which until recently lingered on the grounds. The landscaping is scheduled to be done in 2008.
3CP management agreed to produce a progress report on all of the remaining issues by February 15, containing recommendations, timeframes and target dates, that will be sent to the neighborhood committee. The City has some leverage here, as apparently the final certificate of occupancy has not yet been issued.
CSNA is monitoring this development, and discussion of what action, if any, CSNA should take will be on the agenda at the next Board meeting.
Lori K
Sun, 02/17/2008 - 17:54
3CP Parking
Regarding parking for employees -- I'm already sick of our block being parked solid w/ the construction, but think this will continue if now there are 67 add'l employees cars on the streets. I can't even park in front of my own house to unload anything from my car, and neither can my neighbor with her infant twins.
Here's a solution: have 3 crowns make a deal w/ N'western so the employees can park in the unused lots, and then they can either walk or have 3 crowns provide a shuttle? Or, issue residential permits for our neighborhood? Or, let the employees park in the new underground parking facility and then a valet can shuttle the residents' cars from the N'western lot. Whatever needs to happen, one thing is for sure, the neighbors will NOT stand for the add'l cars simply being part of the overparked mix that our streets have become while the construction has been underway. Who from the neighborhood is organizing a follow up to the report from Three Crowns?
Thu, 02/28/2008 - 11:38
Follow-up on Three Crowns
Robert Mark has posted a detailed Forum piece on this.
Click here to read it.