Since I have seen nothing on this topic on the CSNA site, or other news sites, I wanted to bring everyone up to date on the status of the CTA site. It was sold at bid recently to a developer, Greg Van Schaack, who plans to construct two attached townhomes. The CTA property is located at Bryant and Chancellor (1210 Chancellor) behind Evanston Terraces (where I live). Recently neighbors received notice of a request for a minor variance to build above the 38 foot zoning height (to 45 feet). Because this was minor, there was no requirement for a hearing. Neighbors at Evanston Terraces did some research and obtained copies of the plans and talked with the zoning department about this. The project is approved as submitted and should go forward - with the understanding that neighbors nearby be advised of timetables, etc. ETCA is taking a lead on keeping tabs on the construction due to the fact that the site abuts our active driveway (not an alley!) and our yard. Those living north and west of project will be mostly affected by construciton and vehicles using Chancellor - where the curb cut and driveway for the units will be located. Those in Evanston Terraces are concerned that the setback for the proposed structure is so close to the property line, and the potential for damage to our property. We also have a fence along Chancellor and want to keep that, and possibly build additional fencing to mark our property - along our yard and drive.
As I learn more, I will post. We hope to have the developer meet with us at our annual meeting, and it is possible there will be other meetings with residents in the area and our alderman.
Debbie Weixl
Mon, 06/20/2011 - 09:23
Development at Chancellor and Bryant
We learned on Friday, June 17, 2011 that the developer of the property that formerly housed the CTA building at Chancellor and Bryant is now selling the propety. There were plans for attached (two units) townhomes at this site - they were approved by the city and reviewed by Evanston Terraces Condo Association and complied with zoning. We were surprised to learn of the decision to sell - this means that financing is still hard to get for new development. The developer did invest in an architect and demolition of the old building, and got the property for a "deal." It is now for sale for $495K. We should monitor this site to assure that it will remain residential and maintained.