Evanston TIFs - Panel discussion Thurs. July 29th 7:00 join zoom

Corrected Tif ImageOn July 29th at 7:00 PM, Community Alliance for Better Government (CABG)  will be hosting a forum on the proposed 5th Ward TIF.

Registration for the free event is available on Community Alliance for Better Government’s website and below.


The event will be moderated by Sebastian Nalls with Council Member Bobby Burns and attorney Jeff Smith as the primary speakers.

Sebastian will ask Bobby Burns and Jeff Smith a series of questions regarding TIFs which will be followed by questions from the community. This will be a virtual event hosted on Zoom and livestreamed on social media platforms.

Attendees and those who can't attend can submit questions before and during the event by emailing evanstonCABG@gmail.com


Video of the Town Hall with Daniel Biss

To watch the smaller  in-line version click on the video thumbnail below. To watch the full frame hi-def version then click on the YouTube logo at the bottom of the thumbnail below.



Why Daniel Biss's Convo with CSNA Is Cool

A brief rant on "town hall meetings" and why the meeting Tuesday, June 29 is unusual and worth attending.

The phrase "town meeting" conjures up images of the public at an old-fashioned public meeting, giving their elected officials a piece of their mind. Norman Rockwell's famous 1943 painting "Freedom of Speech" (right) depicts such a "town meeting" in Vermont.

In an ever-more-digitized and depersonalized era, with growing disconnect between government and the governed, my observation is that many -- not all, but many -- citizens are hungry for opportunities to be heard.

2021 Annual Meeting Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Please join us Tue., June 29 for our 15th Annual Meeting and a LIVE Town Hall with Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss.

Current members* are invited to attend and vote in the annual election of CSNA board members and officers which will be held from 7:00 to 7:15 PM.

Following the brief business meeting, members will have a special opportunity for an open live conversation with Mayor Biss. We encourage you to attend and bring (or e-mail to us in advance) your comments, questions, and concerns about the City! CSNA Vice President Jeff Smith will moderate the discussion. Questions/comments can be submitted in advance to csnaboard9@google.com.

The meeting and Town Hall will be held in the 2nd floor American Legion Hall at 1030 Central St.  Post 42's cash bar will be open during the event.  CSNA will have coffee and water available.

COVID precautions: the American Legion doesn't require face coverings. However, CSNA asks those attending who are not fully vaccinated to wear masks and maintain social distancing.

Since this is a live meeting, we won't be using ZOOM for audience interaction. We hope to record the event and post it to our website soon after.

Please also take this opportunity to join/rejoin CSNA for 2021-2022!  There are 4 ways:

  • Go to our on-line membership sign-up form;
  • Bring a check to the annual meeting;
  • Send a check to CSNA, P.O. Box 7050, Evanston, IL 60204-7050. Please include your name, postal and email addresses so we can send you meeting notices and updates; or
  • Email info@centralstreetneighbors.com with your address and we will mail a sign-up envelope.

Note, to vote 6/29, US mail will be too late for us to get it.

Hope to see you Tuesday!  --CSNA

*Those who joined during our Spring 2020 membership drive or later during 2020 or 2021 are considered "Current" for this meeting ... but will  need to renew to be eligble to vote after thisTuesday.

Join the CSNA Board

Central Street Neighbors Association has an active and committed Board of Directors whose role is to govern the realization of our mission: to promote the social welfare of the Central Street neighborhood and the larger Evanston community within which the neighborhood thrives and with whom it interacts.

NU Extension For Zoning Change-Mon. 6/14 Channel 16

In  2019, the last council made a decision which favored Northwestern University  Athletics and use of the property  in the U2 district over objections by residents and local business. This requested zoning change did not meet the standards in the zoning ordnance and  comprehensive Plan which were required.   


Where Did the Tax Hike Go? Fact-Checking District 65 Finances

It’s a paradox of Evanston that fiscal hawks and taxpayer advocates focus on City finances, but it’s the two school districts that collect and spend most of our property tax dollars. Our K-8 system slips by with, generally, lack of attention, since at any given time most Evanston households don’t have kids in that system. Hot-button issues like redistricting or the closing or construction of a school draw a spotlight, but generally curriculum is too little discussed and school finances even less. If District 65 is getting a lot of attention it is usually because there is a problem.

District 65 is now getting a lot of attention and there is a problem. A couple big ones, actually.


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