Submitted by Jim Hughes on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 13:10
This picture, allegedly of Harrison St. looking east from Hartrey, was submitted to us by a member who claims that at one time, this region had streets with visible asphalt, trees full of leaves, an outside air temperature fit for human life, and a large yellow disc in the sky that provided warmth and light. We at CSNA think this member must have spent too much time at a Schaefer's wine tasting, because here on Planet Frozenslush it is hard to imagine anything ever existing besides shades of gray, from ground to sky.
Submitted by jeffpsmith on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 11:10
On January 28, 2008, the City Council unanimously passed two ordinances, 5-O-08 and 6-O-08, that, combined, change zoning in the 2-mile long "Central Street Corridor." Zoning is the City law that determines what can be built where. The passage of these important ordinances was the largest change ever applied to so long an expanse along a single thoroughfare in Evanston, and was the culmination of over a year of visioning, planning, hearings, and negotiation,