Next Theatre Production a War Zone Masterpiece

If, like me, you support the arts in theory but in reality don't get out and take in as much culture as you'd like (perhaps because you spend too many evenings at the Civic Center), then you owe it to yourself to take a night off sometime in the next 2 weeks and experience Next Theatre's blockbuster production, 9 Parts of Desire, currently playing at the Museum of Contemporary Art (thru 5/18).

Foodstuffs Sidewalk Cafe and Other Recent SPAARC Actions Affecting Our Neighborhood

The Site Plan and Appearance Review Committee (SPAARC, but which is listed on the City's web page for committees and boards as the Site Plan and Appearance Review Board - SPAARB?) on April 23 considered the following projects in our neighborhood:


Staff Recommends $2M Subsidy, 38-Story Tower

Outgoing Assistant City Manager Judith Aiello and Assistant Director for Community Development Dennis Marino, in a 2-page memo dated April 25, 2008, recommend approval of $2 million in subsidy, from Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") funds from the downtown TIF district, to be given to the Focus Development (Klutznick-Anderson) team for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Hahn Building as part of the proposal for redevelopment of the 708 Church Street site. The developers had sought $3 million but the consultants and staff conclude that the valuation of the Hahn Building is too high.


Branch Libraries Supported at 7th Ward Forum

Approximately 80 citizens, mainly but not exclusively 7th Ward residents, turned out to an animated April. 24 meeting in the Civic Center's Parasol Room organized by Ald. Liz Tisdahl (7th). The main event was the introduction of the new Public Library Director, Mary Johns.


Emerson St. Bridge in Evanston to close Monday

The following message was received today by members who subscribe to the city's e-mail lists:

Subject: CITY OF EVANSTON E-Notice -- April 23, 2008: Emerson St. Bridge in Evanston to close MONDAY
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:08:32 -0500

Emerson St. Bridge in Evanston to close Monday

7th Ward Meeting, April 24, 7-9 pm., the Civic Center

Children have been ardent advocates of the branch library system. They are welcome to attend the 7th ward meeting on April 24 from 7-9 pm at the Civic Center. Discussion of the library should be finished by 8. I hope everyone will come, be proactive and convince the new Director of Library Services that the North Branch Library is important to all of us.

If we know what the new proposal for 708 Church is, I hope to hear what you think of it. That discussion and an update from EPD comprise the rest of the agenda.

Elizabeth Tisdahl

708 Church Tower Developers Seek Time to Revamp Proposal

Apparently realizing they did not have the necessary six votes to gain Planning and Development, and thus City Council, approval for zoning map and text amendments necessary to proceed with their project, the developers of the proposed 49-story skyscraper on the site of the present 708 Church St. building asked that the ordinance changes be taken off the committee's agenda at the Mar. 24 meeting.


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