Submitted by jeffpsmith on Fri, 05/16/2008 - 00:15
Some Evanston citizens asked me in the fall to provide a synopsis of the 108-page Downtown Evanston Plan now working its way through the Plan Commission. Since it's going to get a lot closer to reality in the next few months, and we now have a better website, I'm publishing an updated version here. It's a long post but closer to 7 pages, not 108.
Submitted by jeffpsmith on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 11:39
Both by nature and training I tend to look at multiple sides of issues. So, both to try and see if lemonade is extractable from the sour taste of the last Tower vote, and to try and extend some credit to Council members, I stepped back and looked at the punt to the Plan Commission in another light. One way to view it is that residents got, in part, what they asked for.
Submitted by jeffpsmith on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 09:32
Rolanda Russell has been an assistant city manager with Evanston for about 18 months. A native Illinoisan who graduated from SIU, Russell worked on her master’s at Illinois (Champaign) and has a certificate from Harvard’s JFK School of Government for attending a leadership program. After working for 12 years with the public sector in Decatur, Ill., Russell moved to Roanoke, Va. in 2001 and received good reviews for her work as Assistant City Manager for Community Development before leaving to take the Evanston job in 2006.