Follow Your Heart on Central Street

Follow Your Heart on Central this February! Let's share the love with local businesses all month long on Central Street. Stop by one of the businesses listed below to pick up a "Follow Your Heart" passport to enjoy 10% off at all participating businesses in February.

CSNA Mayoral Forum Video

2021 Evanston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaires

The three candidates for mayor in the Feb. 23, 2021 primary election for mayor of Evanston have kindly provided questionnaire answers to CSNA in advance of tonight's mayoral forum. You may download the questionnaires here:

Mary Lorraine "Lori" Keenan

Daniel Biss

Sebastian Nalls

Note: Downloading, or opening with Adobe Acrobat, is suggested rather than viewing thru a browser.

Mayoral Candidate Forum Invitation

Here's how to attend the Central Street Neighbors Mayoral Candidate Forum starting tonight at 7:00 PM CST (Thursday, January 7, 2021).

This will be presented virtually, as a Zoom "webinar". If you have the Zoom app, use

Webinar ID: 947 5872 1908
Passcode: 022321

Mayoral Candidate Zoom Forum Thursday, 1/7/2021 7:00 PM

If you are anticipating a post-election let-down after January 20th   ... there is hope.  Evanston will have a primary municipal election on Tuesday, February 23, 2021.

Accordingly, Central Street Neighbors Association is sponsorinhg an Evanston Mayoral Candidate Forum on Thursday, January 7th at 7:00 PM via a Zoom Webinar.

All three Mayoral candidates have accepted the invitation to be panelists.  Campaign web page links are here below:

Who is running for what office in Evanston's 2021 Municipal Election

If you have left over energy from watching the ongoing 2020 Presidential Election ... you are in luck.  There is an Evanston Municipal Election coming Tuesday, April 6, 2021.  As the number of candidates filing to run continues to grow ... this promises to be a competitive contest.  And it look certain there will be a primary Tuesday, February 23. 

Write in Candidates:


City Manager Selection Process Fails Residents


Last night, Oct. 19th, 2020 The Evanston City council selected the new city manager in spite of the calls from the public have a more transparent process and community input as was promised early in the year. 

The Alliance for a Better Government, an Evanston group striving to shine a light on our Evanston Process's which habitually bypass real public involvement, and lack transparency wrote the letter below.  The decision to select the interim manager was decided within hours after the public had the opportunity to hear the interviews with the 3 candidates which HR.Gov had whittled down from 70 applications. You can watch the City Manager Candidate Forum here:

The residents never had time to give their alderpeople their residents input as far as what they felt were the pros and cons of each candidate because, after the forum, the council went into executive session and made their decision. 

Below is a letter from The Community Alliance for Better Government (Read more)



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