New Tax on Central Street?

If you own property or a business on Central Street between roughly Ashland and Marcy ... or on Green Bay north of Lincoln ... you may want to attend one of these two meetings.  The first meeting is this Tuesday night April 30 at 7:00 p.m.(details below).

A proposal to create a Special Service Area (SSA) on Central Street will be discussed. Per the proposed map above the area under consideration includes many residences on Central outside the east and west business zones. It appears that any new taxes proposed to support the proposed SSA will apply to all properties within the SSA ... including businesses and residences.

7th Ward Meeting

Alderman Eleanor Revelle has invited residents to a 7th Ward meeting, Thursday, April 25, 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., at the Evanston Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Blvd.

The agenda will include the following topics:

  • Possible formation of a Central Street Special Service Area (SSA)
  • Canal Shores news: 100th Anniversary plans
  • Proposed additional uses for the Ryan Field campus
  • Robert Crown Community Center — Update and Q&A
  • Other 7th Ward News

Hearing Postponed for Fast Food Drive Through and Residential Rezoning

Notices went out two weeks ago for hearings for major variations, special use permits and map amendments for a Fast Food restaurant with a drive through that includes rezoning residential property. The hearing scheduled for Wednesday, April 10 at the Joint Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission has been postponed. New notices will be sent by the City when the hearings are rescheduled.

Annual Meeting and Property Tax Program

Join us Thursday, March 28, 2019 for the CSNA Annual Meeting and a program on Property Tax in Evanston.  Our featured speaker will be Fritz Kaegi recently elected Cook County Assessor. Fritz will speak on "Creating a Fair, Transparent and Ethical Assessor's Office"

The meeting will be held in the 1st floor Multi-Purpose Room at Three Crowns Park 2323 McDaniel Ave. Evanston. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. A brief CSNA annual meeting, including board elections, will take place at 7:00 p.m. followed immediately by the program with Assessor Kaegi.

Refreshments will be served. The meeting will end at 9:00 p.m.

All Evanston residents are welcome to attend.

7th Ward Meeting - Thursday, January 24

Ald. Eleanor Revelle has scheduled a 7th Ward meeting for Thursday, January 24, from 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., at the Evanston Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Blvd.

The agenda will include presentations about the following:

  • The City’s efforts to expand affordable housing options in Evanston, including recent actions taken and additional strategies contemplated.
  • The Evanston Development Cooperative, a new enterprise whose mission is to build energy-efficient, affordable housing while creating jobs in the community.
  • The successful completion of the Evanston Habitat Project, a two-year initiative that has restored and enhanced natural habitat along our North Shore Channel.
  • Ideas and resources for residents interested in incorporating natural habitat in their gardens.
  • 2018 statistics and other information from the Evanston Fire Department.

Also attending to meet residents is the new Evanston Chief of Police, Demitrous Cook. Cook will engage in a conversation about his career to date and his views on policing in Evanston.

Art Norman Host Community Discussion On Harley Clarke. Thurs. Jan 24th 6:30


Thursday, January 24 from 6:30-8:30pm

at the Evanston Civic Center, Parasol Room.


The event, chaired by NBC’s Art Norman, will engage residents in conversations that will be used to inform the Evanston City Council of the sentiment and public priorities regarding the future use of the historic Harley Clarke House and Jens Jensen gardens.


The Evanston community that rallied to save the lakefront Harley Clarke mansion for public use is holding a community dialogue to actively solicit resident input on the future use of the historic home and gardens.


Over the last several years Evanston residents have fought against efforts to privatize the mansion and subsequent efforts to demolish it. Last November, more than 80% of the voters decided overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the mansion for public use, with Evanston’s predominantly African American fifth ward showing the highest support with 84 percent voting in favor.


The Harley Clarke Community event aims to attract many residents who have not traditionally accessed this Northeast lakefront part of Evanston (African Americans, Latinos and others) to hear their interests and vision for the public lake house and gardens.


Harley Clarke Referendum Approved by 80% - Council votes 9-0 to halt action to demolish historic mansion

After many twists and turns there have been several developments on Harley Clarke. The result is that Harley Clarke will not be demolished. 

After the Council voted earlier in the year to enter into talks to demolish the mansion and negotiiate with the Lakefront Dunes group, in October the City’s Preservation Commission unanimously denied the City’s application for a Certificate or Appropriateness to demolish the building. The City automatically appealed that decision.

MWRD Votes to Grant Easement

The Commissioners of the Board of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago voted 5-4 on Nov. 15 to grant an easement across Canal Shores Golf  Course at the 10th Hole for access to property owned by the Keefe Family Trust. This property is just north of Isabella Woods.

There are many steps to be taken by a number of governing bodies before any roadway is built. CSNA will continue to monitor.

To learn more about the easement and its history, visit the website for Canal Shores at


MWRD Defers action on road easement through Canal Shores to Nov. 15

On Nov. 1, the MWRD Commissioners deferred action on the Keefe Family Trust request for an easement to build a road at taxpayer expense to the Keefe property adjacent to Golf Terrace, Isabella Woods and along the 10th hole of Canal Shores Golf Course. It was clear that the votes to oppose the road were not there on the 1st. 


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