Meeting Wed. 12/11 7:00 PM to discuss Green Bay Corridor plans

On October 14, 2019 the Evanston City Council approved a contract award in the amount of $327,671 to Kimley Horn for planning and engineering services to develop a plan for the Green Bay Road Corridor from McCormick Blvd. north to Isabella St. in Evanston. This project will be funded from the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2019 General Obligation Bonds

The city subsequently published the following flyer to announce a public meeting at the Evanston Ecology Center at 7:00 PM on December 11 to inform and gather input on the project:







Pages 5 & 6 of the RFQ 19-44 contain the scope of the project.

The awarded bid details can be found here on the City's Bids & Proposals page.

Friends of Lovelace Park

In an effort to maintain and improve our neighborhood park, area residents recently formed THE FRIENDS OF LOVELACE PARK.

The Friends of Lovelace Park's first adventure will be… drumroll… tree mulching!!

Mulching will take place on Tuesday, November 12th and Wednesday, November 13th from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. We’d love for you to join us! 

For all the details or to sign up for updates, please visit our website at

Our Mission Statement

We are a group of neighbors living near and enjoying this wonderful recreational resource. We are committed to enhancing the park and assisting the City’s Maintenance Crew by volunteering for the following tasks:

  • Mulching the trees.
  • Working with City Crew when planting new trees to select the proper spots.
  • Establishing a pollinator garden to attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators (Spring 2020).
  • Collaborating with other organizations in collecting litter and debris.
  • Offering our services when needed or requested by City Crew.

Stop NU Preferential Zoning Treatment MONDAY Oct 28 6:45 Civic Center-

Come to the Civic Center-Monday  the 28th and support neighborhors. The Plan & Development Committee will hear arguments for and against a zoning change which would overturn 50 years of council and Illinois Supreme Court decisions denying  NU permission to  change use in the Unviersity Athletic District to allow commerical events. The U-2 district is  a nonprofit tax exempt district and the athletic facilities were allowed to be built in the middle of residential neighborhoods provided the uses were amatuer, non profit .

Alderpeople Revelle  (7th) and Sufferdin (6th) both oppose the change.


Ald. Tom Suffredin Ward 6 Newsletter 10/25/2019

Sixth Ward Alderman Tom Suffredin posted the following newsletter from his City of Evanston account on Fridat October 25, 2019.


It is ok to say no to Northwestern.

As most of you know, Northwestern is asking the City of Evanston to allow 6 single day events and a 7th multi-day event not to exceed 7 days in duration in the U2 University Athletic Facilities District. The proposal would be a pilot program that would expire December 31, 2021.

Northwestern has historically relied on a culture of deference from Evanston’s elected officials. The burden and inconvenience of Northwestern events is shouldered by property tax paying homeowners and businesses. If Northwestern wants to expand their event schedule, let’s have that discussion in the context of a more equitable arrangement between the City of Evanston and the university. Let’s talk about ownership of Lincoln Street Beach. Let’s talk about the burdens that the university puts on our police, fire and public works resources. And, yes, let’s talk about a legitimate payment in lieu of taxes.

Until that’s the discussion, it is ok to say no to Northwestern.  


Thomas M. Suffredin   
Alderman, 6th Ward

Alderman Revelle Speaks Up for Neighborhoods and Against Zoning Change for NU

The City Should Uphold Its Zoning Standards:

A Guest Essay By Eleanor Revelle

From Evanston Roundtable

"Northwestern University has requested an amendment to Evanston’s zoning code to allow professional sports events and for-profit entertainment events on its athletic campus on Central Street. The Evanston City Council should deny this request.

Allowing professional sports and for-profit events would undermine the protections that our zoning code is expected to provide to area residents. (read the whole statement)


Northwestern Zoning Change for Commercial Use Would Hurt Neighborhoods & Businesses

Northwestern University has requested a major zoning change to allow for commercial uses in the U2 district. (42-acre sports Complex on Central) which would break down zoning protections for all surrounding neighborhoods and negatively impact the economics of many Central St. Businesses. 

For the past 50 years every council of the City of Evanston has denied Northwestern many attempts to  for commercial/professional uses in the district because of the huge negative impact it will have on residents, property values and businesses, additionally  the change does not meet the zoning change standards or the Evanston comprehensive plan. 

NU will make 10s of millions on sponsorships, media coverage while the city makes a few $100,000 and surrounding neighborhoods, residents and businesses bear the burden of chaos, noise, garbage, traffic and economic loss.  Last year NU made $91,000,000 on their sports event in the U2 district-$54,000,000 on football alone and the city received less than 1.5 million for all of the 60+ events. The reason they want the money is to monetize the facilities in the U2 district and to help defer costs associated with the over .5 billion dollars they spent on sports facilities on the lakefront, Welsh Arena, Rocky Miller Park and others. This would be the equivalent of any resident in town spending much more than their budget allows for on a house / building improvement and then going to the city and asking for permission for commercial use (in a non commercial area? so that the property owner (who overspent) could have more money to pay for the improvements to their property and their neighbors don't matter.  It would never pass-So don't let NU have preferential zoning treatment.

As a point of clarification, Northwestern can hold many concerts as long as those events  are sponsored by the university. Northwestern doesn’t   hold them because NU doesn't see the profit in them. There were  student sponsored  concerts which many  remember attending, like Dylan, and others which were  permitted uses. There is not an objection to the current permitted uses the objection is:  making commercial uses permitted or special uses.

 With the change of a few words in what is being called a "text amendment," Northwestern University wants the City of Evanston to make Professional Sports and Commercial Entertainment uses to be permitted uses by removing from the zoning code the words "amateur sports" and "non-profit " as well as removing  the words requiring “ adequate parking”  with free parking - which makes it so that parking requirements a negated and encourage more people to drive in hope of getting free parking. NU has less than 1400 parking spaces in the U2 district. At the beginning of this discussion in April we were told they had over 2000 spaces. 

Remember that Northwestern’s purpose is educational they pay no property taxes on their 240+ acres of land, they pay 4% tax on entertainment tickets while and 11% ticket tax on sports events. Because all other Evanston similar venues pay property taxes and do their events in districts that allow it, a change like this puts other Evanston businesses a a financial disadvantage. This is  hardly a level playing field for our businesses.

Watch the 9/25 Plan Commission meeting Video:  to hear your neighbors presentations your neighbors comments at the Plan Commission to understand the issues and our objections and visit to post your comments.

Sign the Petition to Stop Zoning Change for NU Preferential Treatment. Petition to Stop Northwestern Zoning -NO to  Pro  

Come to Council on Oct 14th

email for a sign or to help


Special Community Meeting June 25 - Proposed Zoning Change for Welsh-Ryan Arena

From the latest 7th Ward Newsletter

Northwestern University representatives are hosting a community meeting to discuss the University’s proposal to amend the City’s zoning code to expand the types of uses allowed at Welsh-Ryan Arena to include additional events. Dave Davis (NU Neighborhood & Community Relations) and Mike Polisky (NU Athletics) are looking forward to talking with residents about NU’s proposal and ways in which to address community concerns.

The meeting will be held on Tues., June 25,  6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.., in the Welsh-Ryan Arena, 2705 Ashland Ave, Wilson Club.

NOTE: This community meeting replaces the previously announced 7th Ward meeting originally scheduled for June 27.

2019 Northwestern Applies for Commercial-Professional Uses-Zoning Change at Stadium/Arena

Evanston is more than Northwestern University: Tell the Mayor and City Council not to sacrifice our neighborhoods!

The university has been quietly trying to obtain changes in zoning law that would allow for-profit concerts, professional sporting events, and other commercial activities at its facilities. These events would dramatically alter the quality of life and negatively impact community safety and infrastructure in Evanston and Wilmette.

For decades, Evanston zoning code for the U2 District permits Northwestern University to hold Community and cultural events of a NONPROFIT nature and AMATEUR athletics events at the Welsh-Ryan -Rocky Miller sport complex. It is critical to recognize the unique position of these facilities within a residential neighborhood and that Northwestern University is a non-profit institution dedicated to education.


Plans for Fast Food Chain Restaurant at Gross Point and Crawford Canceled

The proposal for the fast food drive-through restaurant at Gross Point and Crawford have been withdrawn by the applicant. According to City staff, the company has put all expansion plans for the chain on hold and will not be building any new restaurants due to financial issues.

Are Evanston Residential Property Taxes Going Down? Crain's says "likely"

From a recent Crain's Chicago Business article:

"If there is a silver lining, at least in the near term, it's that higher assessments on commercial properties in Cook County are likely to result in lower taxes for many homeowners. In Evanston, for instance, the assessed value of all residential property rose 25 percent from 2018 to 2019, while the assessed value of all commercial and industrial property rose 125 percent. The wide gap suggests that taxes will rise for commercial and industrial landlords in the suburb when property tax bills come out next year but drop for Evanston homeowners"

Read the full story here:

Crain's Chicago Business 4/12/2019: What Evanston's assessments tell us about the new assessor's new math


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