Evanston Public Library Friends: Read-a-Thon Parties

Evanston Public Library Friends will celebrate National Library Week and the end of the Read-a-Thon with parties at the main library and both branches on Saturday, April 17th from 10am to 12pm.  Join the fun with face painting, balloons, sidewalk chalk, lemonade, and fun for the whole family! 
Bring in your Read-a-Thon money and collect your prizes, or stop by and take advantage of the last day to join Evanston Public Library Friends for Free. After April 17th, cost per family will be $25. 

Evanston Public Library Friends has a goal of raising $200,000 by August 1st to fund the branch libraries. If you haven't already, please join EPL Friends, or make a donation at www.eplfriends.org.
If you or your kids would like to volunteer at the parties to help sell lemonade, pass out balloons, or facepaint, please contact Jen Preschern 847-424-9973 or jenpreschern@Onebox.com