At the Jan. 23, 2008 Site Plan and Appearance Review Committee ("SPAARC") meeting, Nancy Tolan, on behalf of the Presbyterian Homes, introduced a proposal by which the Westminster Campus (at 3200 Grant St.) would construct a four story, 32-unit multiple family dwelling, plus 56 single family cottages.
The Presbyterian Homes have been a good neighbor but CSNA plans to monitor this development, especially in view of the parking and lighting issues resulting from the recent expansion at Three Crowns Park. Any member with additional information should contact the Board of CSNA. (Use the "Contact CSNA" menu item on the left menu of this window.)
Pressure to develop or expand residences and other facilities for seniors will continue as life expectancies continue to increase simultaneously with the aging of the Baby Boom generation. Just in recent years we've seen, in addition to Three Crowns Park, the development of Alden Estates on Gross Point, and the ongoing renovation and expansion of the Mather Home in downtown Evanston. The Presbyterian Homes expansion continues this trend.