It appears the council will now be holding a special meeting next week - on "water and sewer rate,capital and Revenue Opportunites" - after their illegal meeting held at the water plant on Feb 12th which the public could not attend. It appears to me the council members and city staff may have met in private to discussion what water and sewer increases they should approve and how they can justify it to the public since they had the tour of the plant.
I suspect almost no one is concerned about the captial plan - but it is clear they are looking for large water rate increases to justify spending capital or maybe to just misuse the funds else where.
Recently some became concerned about the Civic Center - but interestingly the capital plan shows no real expeditures beyond the roof replacement - and estimates $25,000,000 in the future with no date. Thus no plan exists at all for any repairs for the Civic Center- which basically means it will continue to just fall apart! Which is what they have been doing all along.
The city plans to spend $575,000 for maintenance repairs to Robert Crown between 2010 to 2014. Interestingly they have been talking about fixing the ice equipment for years - and stating it will be a problem, if it breaks. Are they waiting for the ice making equipment to break so they can pass emergency funding?
They have a statement in this years Draft Plan - that states "future need for Crown is estimated at 32 million" Alderperson Tisdahl in a letter recently sent out for her Mayoral bid states the current estimated cost to rebuild Robert Crown will be $20-30 million. I am all the more confused since I have not heard the city has committed to rebuilding Robert Crown.
Ofcourse some at the city have been claiming the building is not safe - ofcourse if the building is not safe they should shut it down - when confronted with this they will tell you the building is safe.
Another interesting item is the branch libraries - funding in the capital plan - that is they only show $130,000 for funding and claims carry over from 2008-2009 but no funds are being shown. Thus it is very unclearly what they are doing. All the more interesting - a statement is made " Project to be completed by DATE?" one gets the impression the city is still not serious about keeping the branch libraries - saying one thing and doing something else? One gets the impress the funds may disapear to fill a budget hole this year or next and nothing will get done!
One gets the feeling between the council members who can not make a decision - staff trying to get more funds and staff pushing their own agendas such as the replacement of Robert Crown- we have a big problem - that is money is just wasted.