The Central Street Neighbors Association forum for the four mayoral candidates is Thursday, March 5, 7 pm, in the auditorium at Haven Middle School, 2417 Prairie. After brief opening statements, candidates will have opportunity to field a number of questions extemporaneously on topics submitted by the CSNA Board and members. At the end of the meeting, attendees will be asked for input on the candidates.
The candidates all have CSNA questionnaires on topics ranging from City spending to downtown development, and their answers will be distributed at the meeting. All candidates for mayor (Barnaby Dinges, Jeanne Lindwall, Stuart Opdycke, and Elizabeth Tisdahl) plan to attend.
Sun, 03/08/2009 - 22:22
Thank you to all
I'd like to publicly thank Barnaby Dinges, Jeanne Lindwall, Stuart Opducke, and Ald. Liz Tisdahl for participating in the forum last Thursday night, taking the time to fill out our questionnaires, and fielding a large number of questions, some unexpected, with aplomb. I'd also like to thank all the CSNA board members and other volunteers who helped make the event happen, from passing out flyers at the train station, to handling our literature and sign-in table, to dealing with the school and logistics. Finally, most of all, thank you to the members of the community who came out and showed that they care about our municipal government. By all accounts the forum was one of the most well-attended in Evanston this election cycle, and the overwhelming number of attendees stayed the entirety of the event.
We will be posting here on this site the various candidates' questionnaire answers and hope to make available video of all their live answers; check in frequently.
Fri, 03/27/2009 - 11:10
mayoral forum video online
Most of the mayoral forum is now online, in YouTube video segments, as a "book" here. Go to the book page to see the Q&A of your choice. The remainder of the forum should be up by this weekend.