From: Spells, Loyce
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 6:08 PM
To: Gay (Central-Hillside Neighbors); Gran (Princeton Neighbors); Magid (Colfax Neighbors); Marini (Noyes Neighbors); Robinson (Eastwood Neighbors); Yohanan (Hillside Neighbors)
Burglary Alert: 2100 Block of Pioneer
A residence in the area of 2100 block of Pioneer was burglarized approximately 5 min. ago; Male, black, 5’8”, heavy build, black hooded sweater; Last seen running in the area of Pioneer/Grant; A red vehicle (possibly a Kia) was reportedly involved. Several officers are flooding the area so be advised!
[Today's crime bulletin locates the burglary in the 2300 block of Pioneer and lists it as a forced entry.]