6th Ward crime alert

Residential Burglaries in Police Beat 75 (6th Ward)

As many of you know there have been several residential burglaries in police beat 75 (6th Ward) within the last few weeks.

In addition to these burglary incidents please be advised that the holiday season is upon us, which present some criminal challenges to our city and your community. Most of you will be shopping and visiting with friends and family and even taking a vacation. Homes will be filled with gifts and goodies, and unfortunately, there are those few, who capitalize on the holiday season.

Alderman Mark Tendam and The Evanston Police Department Community Strategies Bureau would like to remind residents of the 6th Ward to take extra precaution in securing your residences during this busy season.


  • The #1 prevention tip is to make your house look “LIVED IN” when you’re away. Never let items pile up in the mailbox or on the porch. It sends the message that no one is home or watching the residence.
  • Arrange with a trusted neighbor to pick up your mail, newspapers, and garbage cans. They live in your neighborhood & know what looks suspicious in the area.
  • Do NOT stop the mail or paper delivery. You never know who is taking the call on the other end.
  • Make arrangements with trusted friends, neighbors or family to shovel the driveway, and maintain the property.
  • Set automatic timers for interior & exterior lights, radio, and TV’s. Turn the ringer down on the phone. A ringing phone alerts others that no one is home.
  • Leave your window shades in a “normal” position, or have your “house-watcher” move the window shade positioning throughout your vacation or your time away from your home. DO NOT CLOSE THE BLINDS.
  • Lock your valuables in a safe deposit box or fire safe. Document all valuables via videotape and place this & important serial numbers in a safe deposit box as well.
  • Notify the police department and request a “SPECIAL WATCH” or “VACATION WATCH.”
  • Lock ALL ladders, lawn supplies, etc in the shed or garage and make sure your garage is secured at all times.
  • Take your garage door openers OUT of your vehicles. Remove important papers & documents with personal information on them. Have vehicles moved on occasion, so as to not be parked in one spot all the time.
  • Make sure your burglar & fire alarms are in working condition. Test them with the alarm company and make sure your alarm company has an updated call list.
  • Secure your windows by “PINNING” them & place a security bar in the track of your sliding glass doors.
  • Leave emergency contact information with the police or a trusted neighbor.
  • Consider forming or joining a neighborhood watch program in your community. If interested contact the Community Strategies Bureau at 847-866-5019. Additionally, consider joining a community list-serve or communication network.
  • Add your name to the 6th Ward email list. Check for alerts at www.evanston6th.wordpress.com
  • Sign-up to receive the Daily Crime Bulletin at www.cityofevanston.org/departments/police/reports/daily/index.shtml
  • If you see a suspicious person or vehicle PLEASE don’t hesitate to notify the police by calling the Non-Emergency number at 847-866-5000 or 911 for emergencies.
  • Download the Evanston Police Department’s “SECURITY SURVEY” and conduct a self-assessment of your property or schedule a FREE assessment with your community policing officer by calling the community strategies bureau at 847-866-5019.

