2009 Evanston Green Living Festival

All residents of Evanston and the surrounding communities are invited to attend the 2009 Evanston Green Living Festival which will be held at the Evanston Ecology Center on October 3.

The festival was created to educate attendees on how to lower their personal carbon footprint at a fun and entertaining one-day event.  There will be thought provoking speakers presenting environmental topics, exhibitors of green products and services, fun things to do for adults and kids, and great food to eat.
This will be the festival's third year and the expecation is that this will be the best festival ever.  In today's world, people are hungry for ideas on how to lead a greener life while spending less money - and the festival is the place to go to get educated on these topics.  800 people attended the first festival in 2007, and 1500 people attended last year.
For more details on this year's festival, please visit the festival web site.  We also encourage you to go to our Facebook page and add yourself as a guest if you plan to attend the festival.  Mark October 3 on your calendar, and come with your family and friends to the Evanston Green Living Festival.  You'll have a great time.  Live Green, Live Inspired!
