Tonight, Wed. June 3, Central Street Neighbors Association will have a general membership meeting at the Top Of The Tracks cafe, 1826 Central (at the Central Street Metra station), 7:00 pm. Socializing and political chat starting at 6:45.
The topic is the city budget, which ultimately determines a large portion of our taxes, and which drives decisions affecting residents' neighborhoods and lives. We will be joined by Assistant City Manager Marty Lyons, who also serves as chief financial manager. Also presenting will be CSNA member Mark Sloane, recent 6th Ward aldermanic candidate and a chief financial officer by trade. Residents' questions and ideas are welcomed.
This year, the budget-making calendar is starting a little earlier. The more attention it is given, the better the final product will be. With government at all levels facing fiscal pressures, citizens have both more opportunity and more responsibility to offer their energy and expertise. Please lend your voice to this conversation.
Use the main station entrance (on Central) or the accessible ramp on Broadway (south of Central) to reach the cafe.