Looking for something fun, interesting, and socially worthwhile to do this weekend? The Green Festival is ongoing today and tomorrow at Navy Pier.
A joint project of Global Exchange and Green America (formerly Co-op America), the show features over 300 exhibitors and 125 speakers covering topics ranging from environmental solutions to green careers, organic food, renewable energy for the home, sustainable technology -- almost anything you can think of related to sustainability.
I went last year and thought it was extremely interesting, a good look at what the green industry holds for the future, plus lots of free treats/food samples :) There is regular musical entertainment ongoing, it's definitely worth a few hours of stroll and browse.
The speakers are usually very good as well, covering a broad range of topics from healthy cooking to much more provocative fare. This year they include Bill Ayers (yes, that Bill Ayers), Amy Goodman, Jim Hightower, and Greg Palast among many others.
If you haven't been to the expo hall at Navy Pier before, it is about a 10 minute walk through the main complex, down at the far (east) end of Navy Pier. Walk through the stained- glass museum area and go up the set of four escalators to the 2nd floor. It will be obvious from there. Depending on crowds, allow some additional time to get through registration.
It is bikeable and there are also free shuttles from the Loop to Navy Pier I think. I'll be volunteering at the Sierra CLub booth Saturday morning, so if you come early, say hi.