Just a reminder that P&D will take public comment on the revised Downtown Plan at its meeting on Monday, Nov. 24 in Council Chambers.
P&D will also hold a special meeting on Thursday, Dec. 4, to discuss the Downtown Plan. It is unclear whether public comment will also be taken on this date.
For those interested in the 708 Church Street Tower proposal, please be aware that the status of the Fountain Square Block in the revised Downtown Plan is still unclear.
Consultants had originally created a special "Central Core District" for the Fountain Square Block ONLY--with a maximum height of 42 floors!--but the Plan Commission was unable to reach consensus as to the appropriate maximum height for this block. So the fate of this crucial block is now in the hands of P&D, whose current chairperson, Ald. Wollin, is in favor of the Tower.
Please also remember that as soon as Council approves the Downtown Plan--which could occur as early as December--the 708 Church Street Tower proposal comes off the "table" and will be up for vote.
So if you don't want buildings of up to 42 floors in the middle of downtown, it would probably be a good idea to make a public comment to that effect at the P&D meeting on November 24, stating your opposition to the downtown consultants' original plan to single out the Fountain Square Block as the perfect location for skyscrapers in Evanston.
Thank you.
--Barb Rakley