Town Hall with Tom Suffredin 1/31/2022 - Video Recording

CSNA sponsored an on-line Town Hall on Monday, January 31 with 6th Ward Ald. Tom Suffredin and CSNA President Jeff Smith. Here below are links to the video recording of that meeting posted on Youtube.

Click 'Read more' to see all 17 sections.

Click the Title below to see the whole video (1 hour 28 minutes) or click just the sections of interest. In YouTube remember to click the Play button. Times below are minutes:seconds. Sections may include topics not mentioned in the titles. The original recording has been edited for clarity.

Tom Suffredin Conversation with  CSNA President Jeff Smith:

00:00 Title

00:03 Central Street Development Update

06:35 City Manager Hiring Process

15:21 Sexual harassment report regarding Parks and Rec employee complaints

18:25 Who is driving the move from the civic center? And why does every project cost so much? Do we need an Inspector General?

33:02 Tom's position on the Civic Center and council member compensation.

37:54 North Branch Library was sold to Lush Wine & Spirits. Will any of the proceeds come back to the library? Why are we shutting down city facilities and giving money to private corporations?

44:10 Is there planning ongoing about the problem of violence in the city?

49:25 Is it your sense that the police have the trust of the people of Evanston?

52:27 Do we need a tree ordnance? Or ... How much should the city be involved in people's private business?

Questions from the Zoom meeting participants.

60:58 Kevin Brown: "What can we do to addres a punitive culture among city staff?'

67:01 Sigurd Pilgrim: Parking tickets and Lovelace Park

71:35 Robert Ornstein: Intersection of Eastwood Avenue and Central Street

73:47 Gayle Anderson: Parking in Evanston and city communications to those without internet access.

81:21 Joe Hill & Marge Anderson: "What is the status of "Old Neighborhood Grill?"

82:38 Mary Rosinski: "What is your position on the PILOT program 'Payment in Lieu of Taxes'?" (for large non-profits in Evanston)*

86:18 Jeff Smith: Closing remarks


* Evanston PILOT Program Task Force description