~~Over the past 6 weeks, Northwestern, the neighbors, and the city worked to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution for the parking lot lighting and alley. I would like to thank Alan Anderson, NU Neighborhood Relations, and John D’Angelo, NU Facilities Management, for working so well with the neighbors. Northwestern has been easy to work with during the process, they have been receptive to neighbor concerns and willing to change some design points. The neighbors have been willing to compromise to help NU meet what they need to accomplish.
I hope that neighbors not as directly impacted by changing this existing agreement would support the fellow Evanston neighbors who live nearby the lot. What I would like to see people on desginated streets and existing sidewalks directed and not through alleys.
For many us who live in the 16 blocks west of the stadium parking lot issues were about excessive light and people using alleys and bushes as shortcuts to the largest, most heavily used space in Evanston.
Now, someone wants to revisit the original plan, which was opposed by neighbors, and is suggesting again that the shortcut from the neighborhood to the lot should become a permanent entrance to the stadiums for convenience of event goers. This is not a good idea.
For residents who live on the alley, on Livingston or the surrounding blocks, it is an idea detrimental because again it encourages people to enter residential alleys from the tailgating parties, and for them to leave the stadium through the parking lot, residential alley and into a neighborhood rather than on to a main street as was originally designed years ago when the stadium lot was first built.
There is nowhere in Evanston with this kind of usage occurs. The neighbors have only asked for a manageable plan to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. As I look forward 5 and 10 years, I wish NU all the success in sports as I have seen in the 25 years since I moved here. I have seen the significant increased usage and growth.
Let’s prepare for good neighbor relations now while the plan in the development process. Support with the neighbors –Keep the Agreement.
I ask people who are not as directly impacted by the well over 100 + events including: football games with usually 45-50,000 people, 27 +men’s basketball games with 7-9,000 or the 26+ women’s basketball games, high school and NU commencement ceremonies, baseball games, and all the other sports events, bus shuttle services, to ask themselves do they think that foot traffic should be directed to existing sidewalks and streets or create shortcuts through alleys adjoining homes.