Harley Clark -Sign up for City Alerts

Image icon NPS yard sign320.77 KB

Keep you signs-If you feel complelled to take them down please put them in your garage. We still have alot to do to get our council to get on board with future plans.

We encourage you to sign up to the emails from the city regarding the Harley Clarke Mansion and how they are going to gather community input. the web addresss is http://www.cityofevanston.org/arts-culture/harley-clark-mansion/

We at NoParkSale.org are asking the city to ensure that when an  advisory board is formed,  the city reach out to NoParkSale, and other neighborhood groups like CSNA and SEA, the scouts, garden clubs, Preservationist, nature groups, ets/ also encourgage you to email us at info@noparksale.org if you would like to lend you support and or help to us.