Central Street Neighbors Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Board Members

On Feb. 20, 2013, Central Street Neighbors Association will hold its annual meeting and election of officers and board members. The meeting will be held just prior to the District 202 Candidate Forum. The election and meeting will begin promptly at 7 PM. at Haven Middle School. Doors open at 6:30 for registration.

This year members of Central Street Neighbors Association will elect a president and vice president (each for one year terms) and members of the Board (for two year terms). All paid members of CSNA are eligible to vote.

The slate of candidates is as follows:

President: John Walsh

Vice President: Jeff Smith

Board of Directors: Carl Bova, Debbie Weixl, Mary Lou Smith, Megan Lutz, and Mike Hartnett

Haven Middle School is located at 2417 Prairie Ave, Evanston, Ill.
