Help the 'Mighty Twig': VOTE in the Pepsi Refresh Project Campaign


 During the month of November, The Evanston Public Library Friends and the 'Mighty Twig' neighborhood library at Chicago & Main are competing for a $10,000.00 grant  –  and the 15 ideas with the most votes are winners!   

Vote Online:
You may vote online by going to this link and selecting “Vote for this idea”.  You can sign in and vote through your Facebook account or through your Pepsi account.
 And then
 Text your vote!! 

  1. go to the text area on your phone and select ‘create new message’ or similar
  2. In the “to:” field (who you are sending it to), type in the following numbers:     73774
  3. In the subject field, type in the following numbers:     109325
  4. Hit “Send”.  All done!