Resolution of the Board of Directors of Central Street Neighbors Association Regarding the Proposed Development of the Property Located at Crawford Avenue and Gross Point Road (the “Citgo Site")
The Board of Directors of Central Street Neighbors Association does not oppose a bank at the current Citgo property but opposes a plan that:
The Board notes that some of the objections arise only because the proposal does not avail itself of the height allowances and underground parking supported and encouraged by the Master Plan.
CSNA also supports respecting the values and opinions of residents when expressed by more than 140 neighbors who live in the immediate vicinity of the site.
Finally, the Board is concerned about the precedent of adding yet another drive-through use to a high-volume intersection.
We believe that with modifications more consistent with the Central Street Plan and zoning, Chase can still achieve its commercial goals for this parcel and the City can achieve greater revenue from the two parcels.