
Differences between 7th Ward Candidates

Over the course of this campaign, I have endeavored to articulate my positions and explain my reasoning process. I have spoken at City Council meetings, written blogs and responded to others'. My opponents in the 7th Ward aldermanic race have not been as prolific, but with several forums and multiple questionnaires from various community groups, differences in positions and opinion are beginning to emerge.

Hillside Aldermanic Forum for 6th Ward Candidates (3/24)

Hillside Church will be hosting an Aldermanic Forum for 6th Ward Candidates on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:00 pm. The Forum will be moderated by Pastor Mark Taylor and will feature questions submitted by Hillside area neighbors. All 6th Ward residents are encouraged to attend to see the last Forum scheduled prior to the election. 
Hillside Church is located at 2727 Crawford.

Liz Tisdahl - creative budget solutions?

Today I recieved Liz Tisdahl flyer in the mail, it suggest she has creative budget solutions.
One of budget solution she plans to renegotiate Evanston water contracts?  She seems to think somehow she is going to get the other suburbs to give us more money.  Lets get real! At one point she was stating legal action. This is alot of nonsense that will just waste our tax dollars.

Towards a Greener Evanston

Opening statement to a forum sponsored by Citizens for a Greener Evanston and the Evanston Public Library:
I want to especially thank Citizens for a Greener Evanston for sponsoring tonight's forum because it gives us a chance to talk about something else besides budgets and zoning, positions and policy.

I'm eager to answer your questions about environmental issues and Evanston.

Assessor Eckersall - Lawsuit Dismissed

The Circuit Court of Cook County earlier this week dismissed the lawsuit filed by Assessor Eckersall's former Deputy Assessor.
I was hoping that this would end before the election so that the taxpayers would see that this lawsuit was truly not my fault  - budget cut.
Hopefully, the voters will look at experience when they go to vote since we are in hard economic times and that we do indeed need experience in the Assessor's Office.

Tendam for Alderman



Events for the coming week 

COFFEE: Erika Erhart and Randi Bellios
COFFEE: Hal and Patty Sprague
COFFEE: Francine and Michael Allens
COFFEE: Kimberly and Adam Krumholz
more information...
COFFEE: Erika Erhart and Randi Bellios
When:   Wed, March 18, 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Jane Grover on extensions for 1700-1722 Central Street

On her answers to the CSNA questionnaire, Jane Grover stated that she supported further extensions of time for the developer of 1700-1722 Central Street.  I was curious to know why, so I asked her.  This was her response: 
 Thanks for asking.  I'm glad to hear from you.


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