Today I recieved Liz Tisdahl flyer in the mail, it suggest she has creative budget solutions.
One of budget solution she plans to renegotiate Evanston water contracts? She seems to think somehow she is going to get the other suburbs to give us more money. Lets get real! At one point she was stating legal action. This is alot of nonsense that will just waste our tax dollars.
At the last council meeting an elderly women and her daughter approached me. They have sued the city in court, for cutting down a tree on their property, they told me they have acted as their own lawyer in court against the city. They told me the city has spent $37,000 in legal fees and now recently sent them a letter to settle the case for $600. If the city can waste this much money on a tree, I shutter to think how much they would waste on trying to break a water contract. ( contracts 101 you don't break them!)
One of Liz's other creative ideas she was claiming all her connections with her friends in high places was going to get us "Stimulus funds" it appears the entire North Suburbs may see $6 million dollars - over 12 suburbs - thus it amounts to $500,000 maybe if we are lucky for Evanston, so much for her special connections! ( My suggest understand the capital plan which appears to be a mess, and spend our dollars wisely, Liz along with her friends on the council have no understanding of the projects or their objectives!)
Another comment is better relations with NU, that is what everyone saids, so what has she done in six years as a council member? Got NU to give us "Blue lights" which we are suck with the maintenance fee on. Great deal?
I do not see one comment on her "Budget solution" related to better operations of the city and better use of our resources.
At one forum she claim that staff had been cut enough and the only future solution was more taxes.
She also praised the stupid "Employ Evanston Residents" program which the first bids came in for a recent project. ( at a forum )
The two low bidders were removed and the sucessful bidder cost 10-25% more with less work getting done!
The staff wants a 10% increase in water bills to help cover capital it appears to me, elminating a silly patronage program might avoid one increase in our water bills!
Also Liz in her flyer is stating " She will lead the charge to return family planning services to Evanston. Wasn't she the one who cut them in the first place? Her friend Jane Grover is also pushing this. I would like to know how much this is going to cost and why it is need since this duplicates services the clinic Liz put in the high school provides!
( no doubt some special interest group is involved with this behind the scenes )
In one of her first letter to residents Liz stated she provide us with a creative program to give a way free beach tokens, claims no cost to the city. Yes there is no cost, but then again the program has no control, that is social services agency can hand these out like candy, since it does not appear they have any income requirement since each agency serves different client groups. Thus who is getting them? It appears to me, it is a feel good program that may not be fair to residents who are low income and not clients of the social service agenies. Another example of a poorly thought out program.
Also the claim she told everyone about the pension crisis is just plain nonsense. It is very well documented the city has had this problem for years! Go look at the "Diet" in 1992 publish by the Chamber - they stated this was a time bomb for future residents, it is also well know the council chose to unfund this for years! One police officer spoke at council meetings for many years about this problem and council member chose to not listen. At that time (1992)the over run was 10-15 million - currently they are stating 145 million, but wait to after the election when they will tell everyone it is now 170 million, ( that is the word on the street ) what will Liz's creative solution be?
We all know the answer to the Budget - cuts need to be made in programs and employees - when council members are taking employee PAC funds in their election campagins, what cuts can we expect? We all know the answer - just raise taxes and fees on us!