The CSNA 2014 Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, February 19th at 7:00 PM at the Haven School Auditorium 2417 Prairie Ave. The brief agenda will include an election of board members and the offices of President and Vice President. Members whose 2013-2014 dues are paid are invited to attend and vote. Non-members will also be able to pay dues at the meeting and vote.
The election will immediately be followed by a forum on the March 18 primary election ending at 8:30 pm. The Evanston Township Referendum to abolish the township will be discussed. Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin will argue for dissolving. Evanston resident and Community Activist Betty Sue Ester will argue against dissolving. The last referendum on this issue was advisory only; the outcome of the vote on March 18 will be mandatory.
In addition 11 judicial candidates vying to fill the three vacant positions on the Cook County 9th Sub-Circuit bench have been invited to attend, be introduced and offered the opportunity to meet attendees informally before and after the forum. Those attending will not be presenting at the meeting.
Doors will open at 6:30 PM. A sample ballot for the CSNA election is available here.