Three Crowns Parking Improved ... Lighting Still to Come

It has been some weeks now since I've passed around an e-mail about what's happening at Three Crowns. I connected directly with Susan Morse for an update on parking and the lighting issue which I've copied in below.

From my perspective though, I can only say the change to the traffic situation on Grant Street has been incredible ... in a good way. We can actually park in front of our house again almost anytime now that the valet parking is in place. Short of some marjor change at Three Crowns though, my guess is that something like this is going to be needed for quite some time.

UPDATE: City Manager Carroll to Leave May 12

This updates a story originally posted 4-29-08.
In the Curioser and Curioser world that is Evanston government, it was today announced by letter to all City employees that City Manager Julia Carroll would depart effective May 12 for "health reasons." This moves up the date of departure by almost 6 weeks. CSNA officials have heard, but have not confirmed, that Assistant City Manager Rolanda Russell will be named interim City Manager, a post she previously held in Roanoke, VA when a similar situation occurred.

Odd Vote Keeps "Tower" Alive Despite Lack of Support

An unexpected and seemingly preplanned parliamentary maneuver last night at the May 7 City Council Planning & Development Committee special meeting on the 708 Church St. "Tower" project was the key scene-change in an evening of drama and mystery that kept the project "on the table" even after it appeared the required zoning changes lacked necessary aldermanic support, and despite seeming consensus acknowledgment that the community is opposed.


Towers, Tables and Transparency in Government

Being a witness to all the public meetings on the 708 Church proposal has its ups and downs. However much you want to believe that elected officials have Evanston's best interests at heart, there is always that sick feeling in the back of your mind that something just isn't right. I honestly thought that our elected officials were actually going to do the right thing, and represent their constituents at Wednesday's P&D meeting on the Tower. However, what citizen's got was a highly orchestrated show that even the best fiction writer would have had a hard time beating.


7 - Eleven Concerns

Jeff Smith has asked for a summary of the meeting with neighbors and Alderman Moran regarding the 7-Eleven, held on May 6, 2008.

Neighbors had the following concerns:

  • 24 hour operation
  • possiblity of 7-Eleven obtaining a liquor license
  • enforcement of Evanston anti-idling law
    and noise abatement laws
  • management of kids hanging out in vicinity
  • 7-Eleven consideration of the residential nature of the neighborhood

Alderman Moran distributed copies of a letter hand delivered to the 7-Eleven that stated:


Council Committee Considers Tower Tonight

Tonight, Wed., May 7, at 6:30 pm, the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council will consider the proposed Fountain Square skyscraper "Tower" project (708 Church St.). The multi-use building, downscaled to 38 floors from the 49 stories originally requested, is the only item on the agenda.

Technically, what the Committee is considering is the recommendation of the Plan Commission (by 4-3 vote) to rezone the property to D3 (from the lower-height D2) and the approval of a "planned development" on the site.


DIY Democracy in Evanston: Should We Abolish the City Manager Position?

The impending void in the City Manager position created by the tendered resignation of Julia Carroll comes at a time when one of the 2 Assistant City Manager positions is vacant, the Director of Community Development position is about to be vacant, the City is looking for both a Finance Director and a Revenue Director, one of the zoning staff has resigned, the top in-house city attorney has left, and longtime City Clerk Mary Morris has resigned. Meanwhile, the next consolidated primary election is Feb.



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