Snow removal

Homeowners and building landlords are responsible for clearing sidewalks adjacent to their property within 24 hours after a 4″snowfall. Landlords are also responsible for clearing parking lots within 24 hours after a 4″ snowfall.
When shoveling a sidewalk, please clear a path that is at least 36 inches wide to allow everyone, including children, people with disabilities and the elderly, to travel freely using the sidewalks instead of the streets. If snow is packed and difficult to remove, it’s acceptable to use salt or sand to make them passable. Please be aware of elderly or disabled neighbors who can’t shovel their own walks and offer to help them clear snow if you are able.

Snow shoveling program for seniors and disabled

This City of Evanston is happy to connect the elderly and disabled with volunteers that are willing to assist with snow shoveling; this new program has been developed to assist these community members in need. Those requesting assistance will be provided a list of individuals in the community that are willing and able to assist!
Please encourage Evanston seniors or those with disabilities needing assistance with shoveling sidewalks and driveways to contact the Levy Center at 847/448-8250 or for a list of volunteers who may be able to assist them. Fill out the online Request for Snow Shoveling Assistance form here.