" Road To Nowhere " & " Evanston Politics "

The tragedy and failure of most of my fellow candidates and all " Evanston media" (print or online) to hold any current Council members who are running for reelection or a higher throne accountable for bringing us to such dire economic straits is truly shameful. The tightly structured debate formats have resulted in a non-discussion of the real issues facing the COE currently. The only bright spots have been Jeff Smith's unorthodox questions at the CSNA forums, the LWVE format of asking one's opponents to answer a question and the NUPIC(K)S similar format in allowing the candidates to ask each other a single question. God forbid, we should have any reality creep in at any time. Let's get the voters minds back to non-reality, anyway we can. Where is the 4th estate, our journalstic watchdogs? Does keeping the advertisers happy (Evanston has no problems), endorsing the very candidates that put us in this financial mess and ignoring any attempt to honestly examine and report truthfully on the public Council record ( see Blue Ribbon Pension Report-COE website ) etc. make any sense?  It certainly doesn't to me. However, the lyrics of a great old Talking Heads song keep running around in my head in relation to a non-discussion of the real issues and the lack of accountability that those responsible for them have taken for their own culpabilty. Add in most of my fellow candidates silence and I'm sure you'll agree that were on the "Road To Nowhere"!
" Road To Nowhere" by the Talking Heads--copyright 1985
" Well, we know where we're going, but we don't know where we've been
And we know what we're knowing, but we can't say what we've seen
And we're not little children and we know what we want
And the future is certain, give us time to work it out"
Of course, this could be said about Washington, Springfield or Chicago also. However, Evanston is more than enough to try and tackle at one time.
The album is called "Little Creatures", if anyone is interested.
Make an informed vote on Tuesday!
Kevin O'Connor