Dear Neighbors,
This coming Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7:30 pm, the Central Street Neighbors Association will host a live Q&A with Councilmember Eleanor Revelle, who represents our 7th Ward in northeast Evanston, at the Evanston Art Center, 1717 Central St., Evanston. As always, much is happening in Evanston, including the Central Street neighborhood, and as with our successful sessions with Mayor Daniel Biss and 6th Ward Councilmember Tom Suffredin, we expect a lively exchange covering many important topics.
Doors will open at 7:00 pm and the program will begin at 7:30, to be concluded no later than 9:00 pm. CSNA President Jeff Smith will interview Councilmember Revelle; time permitting, there may be opportunity for audience questions following. CSNA members are encouraged to send us, ahead of time, subjects or questions you’d like to see covered.
Our room at the Art Center for this event has seating, sufficient to accommodate our typical turnout, but we will attempt to set up a live stream or at least a recorded version for those who cannot attend in person, or in the event we reach capacity. Please watch your e-mail and the CSNA website for more details.
Questions and suggested subjects can be emailed to: