-- Bill
Bill Smith
Evanston Now LLC
Thank you!
Nora Kahn
Nora Kahn <noraskahn@gmail.com>
I have a question for the District 65 Candidate forum on 3/17. My question is:
Thank you.
Jill Kidd
Jill Kidd jillkidd@me.com
I would like to submit the following questions. Thank you!
1-Please share what you think needs to happen to close the opportunity gap between Black and white students in particular in D65.
2-It's a pretty divisive time in our community, if elected to the school board, what actions would you take to bring the community back together?
3-Aside from advocating for returning to in person learning full-time and getting the financials figured out, what do you plan to do with your time on the board?
Michelle Dahl
Michelle Dahl michelle.dahl21@gmail.com
Vanessa Dillingham
2700 Thayer St.
Vanessa Irving Dillingham <vanessa.dillingham@gmail.com>
Question: Please tell us what one attribute you bring to the school board that you feel is most important in the role?
Thank you VERY MUCH for hosting this important forum. Nearly all I have contacted about it say the same thing: “I really haven’t followed the issues or the candidates.” For many, it’s the complacency that follows when your kids graduate from D65 to D202 or leave home altogether, or maybe you live here, but don’t use D65 schools. But as we well know, the vitality of Evanston is a reflection of its public schooling, and that includes the city’s economic status and real-estate values. Ironically both are impacted by Evanston’s high property taxes, much of which fund public education, and which in turn jeopardize property affordability. So, if only as taxpayers, all Evanston residents should be concerned. Arranging and sponsoring this forum will help us vote responsibly.
My Q for the candidates is:
"Given the long history of District 65’s racial achievement gaps, which predate D65’s 2015 report* by many years** and persist, little progress has been made, despite hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money spent to identify and address the root causes of this disparity*** – including the firing and hiring of D65 superintendents. How will you be more effective at changing this than your predecessors?
Anita Gewurz
713 Ingleside Place
Evanston IL 60201-1709
T: (847) 328-9309
C: (847) 224-8550
E: agewurz@rush.edu
Thank you for hosting the District 65 School Board Candidates Forum.
My questions to candidates for the District 65 school board follow in order of importance to me:
Thank you,
Michael Allen
2150 McDaniel Ave
Evanston, IL
M Allen adastraallen@gmail.com
Q2 - What is your plan for resolving current budget issues in D65 without sacrificing any of the current quality of education for our children?
Colleen Egan wadecoll@gmail.com
Thank you for hosting this!!
Mary Kate Young <marykateyoung1@gmail.com>
State law requires that school districts accommodate academically gifted students. All neighboring districts allow math acceleration. How is discontinuing this option in D65 helping any other group of student? Is academic success a zero sum proposition?
Yahoo mp4110@yahoo.com
Why was a structural deficit of the budget allowed to persist pre-covid?
Thank you,
Sue Callison
Sue Callison qcallisonip2@gmail.com
Natasha Katz natashakatz@hotmail.com
I have three children attending district 65 (3rd, 5th and 8th grade). I would like to submit a question for the candidates forum this week:
What is your view on investing in academic excellence also above grade level by providing students opportunities to excel and perform above grade level? As an example, the district is discontinuing the middle school math acceleration program, where a qualified group of students (based on their test scores) could excel and take advanced math courses while at middle school and then at ETHS. Instead, the district is now offering the same math curriculum to all middle school students.
Thank you,
Michal Maimaran m-maimaran@kellogg.northwestern.edu
Here are some questions for the CSNA forum.
Reopening plans: The current board has been conservative to reopen in person. How would you get the community on board and facilitate a safe, full-time, in-person reopening in the fall? How would you incorporate voices from the medical community and reach out to those who are reluctant?
Transparency and Accountability: Why is it important to acknowledge parents and community members as stakeholders in their children's education? How can the BOE do better in providing transparent reopening plans, budget documents, and open meetings where community input is valued?
Recovering from COVID: How will you be able to contribute to the recovery and return to normalcy, post-COVID? Students and teachers have been through a long period of remote learning and community trauma. How can kids recover learning losses, heal from trauma, and find a new normal so they are ready to learn and grow?
Financial Questions: The district is struggling with a formidable deficit and lack of funds in many areas. Many new administrative positions were recently created and spending on consultants has skyrocketed. In particular, there was a news article recently about Sagebird consulting and a $112,000 contract that may not have had competing bids. How will the board fix this financial situation and get the district on the right path so that tax dollars go to classrooms where they are most needed?
Thank you!
Diana Tang diana.o.tang@gmail.com
Kai Sternstein kaisternstein1970@gmail.com
‘What would the candidates plan to do to reverse the declining test results being see across all age groups, races and ethnicities?’
‘Would candidates care to comment on whether it is appropriate for the SuperIntendent of D65 to call parents ‘White Supremacists’ when they write to request a return to in person teaching?
S J <sijacko@hotmail.com>
2. What are your strengths and honestly what are your weaknesses relative to this job? How will you leverage your strengths and how will you work to improve and overcome your weaknesses (what work are you going to put in)?
3. Angela: in response to an inability to campaign post, you mentioned that you work over 60 hours per week. Please state how you believe you can effectively prepare and work in a board capacity given these limitations.
4. What do you view as the key metrics (most important 3-5) for the district. (Ie close the achievement gap by 5% per year over the next 8 years, ensure all students have opportunity to live within 1.5 miles of their home).
5. Along the same lines, how should community members judge if you have been effective in your role after 6 months, one year, 18 months, and 2 years?
6. Specifically, ANGELA: you are running on fiscal responsibility and budgeting. What is your concrete goal for the budget and what timeframe do you place on that? What metrics should the community use to hold you accountable.
7. Recently, there was an article co-signed by a number of doctors brought forward by the Reopen Evanston Group. Perhaps the group was unaware at the impact of portions of that document, but the language was highly disparaging to key demographics, namely those with lower access to health care and Black and brown families. Specifically to the two candidates who are aligned with the reopen group but to all candidates, what evidence do you have from your community/volunteer work or job that you are a champion of the voices of all members in the community, including those who may be marginalized by class, race, ability, geographic location in Evanston, etc.
8. With reopening schools being a moot point, how do those who have this as a key part of their platform justify their continued candidacy/reason to be considered?
9. Language for the reopen schools candidates has shifted from basic reopening to now including words like safety and equity after schools were already opened. Why was equity and safety later add to the goal?
10. If anyone has a child enrolled in a school other than one in D65, please disclose
11. For incumbent board members- there has been a lot of talk lately about fiscal responsibility and is, in fact, the stated reason that at least two new candidates would like to be considered...please state (1) how the district approaches the budget (2) what is already in place to make necessary budget actions (3) do you think someone with financial/fiscal knowledge is necessary to meet the upcoming financial challenges
12. What made you initially run for the board?
Wilks Holiday wilksholiday@gmail.com
I am interested in School Board candidates to answer the following question:
There was a recent survey about next year's calendar put out by Dr. Horton. Are you in favor of making any of the following holidays attendance days: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Veterans Day, Presidents Day, and Good Friday? If yes, which one(s)? And why?
Thank you.
-Amy Wolok
District 65 Parent
Amy Wolok amy.wolok@gmail.com
Carolyn Laughlin
Carolyn Laughlin carolynlaughlin@comcast.net
2. Marquise, will you support the LGBTQ curriculum in future years or will you try to change or get rid of it?
Kate Brown kberrybrown@gmail.com
It is fact that the achievement gap has not narrowed, despite the implementation of numerous programs and significant expenditures of tax revenue. Which programs would you change or eliminate, and how would you re-allocate program funds? What new/replacement program ideas do you have? And what are the root problems that fuel the gap which are not being addressed by present programming?
Carl Bova LAST_NAME carlbova@comcast.net
Thank you for hosting a forum for the D65 board candidates! I am looking forward to it. Here is a proposed question:
What is your vision for 8th graders leaving District 65? What measures will you look at (and should the public look at) to assess how we are doing toward achieving those aims for students across the district?
Stacy (mom of 3rd graders in D65)
Stacy McAuliffe
Maybe the question to all board candidates is: How might your professional or personal life impact your ability to make decisions for the good of all Evanston residents. How do you manage this as well as finding time and the means to engage with parts of the community with whom you are not currently affiliated?
Connie Heneghan
Connie Heneghan crheneghan@comcast.net
What is your position towards consolidating districts 202 and 65?
Chava Wu chavawu@icloud.com
2. How comfortable are you with giving support to parents of LGBTQ+ parents on a regular basis if they needed additional resources? How comfortable are you with supporting parents who are wanting more input as to how to support their child and their friends, if the parent is not themselves comfortable due to cultural backgrounds, religion or upbringing. Evanston has many different nationalities in its school, mostly thanks to NU. But many parents have strong beliefs. How do you envision making sure the district follows the state mandate to provide education for LGBTQ+, has an available person a student or students can feel comfortable speaking with, recognizes that developmentally, especially towards middle school some students will question, but that does not mean they want to label themselves (hence not pushing to identify), make sure teachers are supported and parents can have some input into the curriculum or at minimum, preview so they know what to expect and can discuss with their child. Who do you envision conducting these lessons moving forward?
3. What are your thoughts on hiring a consulting firm to redistrict versus opening up a prek-8 building in the 5th ward? With redistricting, will the 5th Ward again be only an idea?
4. Evanston has numerous preschools, which are extremely expensive. Preschool or some sort of nursery school, early childhood center which if affordable seems to be lacking in this district. We know through research, the early years are critical. How will you make changes to the current system? How will you make the entrance into kindergarten more equitable from a readiness standpoint?
5. Special Education continues to be a concern in our district. For some, it is fighting to get services and for others, students seem to be placed at certain schools, rather than their home school and being provided the least restrictive environment. Parents have left the district because of the special education situation. What are your thoughts on the current program and how do you envision change can occur?
6. Covid has forever changed us in numerous ways. This generation of students has truly had loss, some watching loved ones get ill, some losing loved ones and other always worried someone will get sick. They have lost birthdays, holidays, sports, dance, etc. Many students have gained weight, becomes more anxious, their family has had job loss an lost places to live. They struggle and see their parents struggle. As we know, feeling safe and secure, having nutritious food to eat and a place to call home are basic needs. What structure do you envision instituting for the summer and next school year to assist with social and emotional growth?
Noelle Hilgart ellie_hilgart@yahoo.com
We recently learned that D65 is going to replace 22 reading specialists with 18 reading interventionists. Especially in light of the learning losses anticipated as a result of the pandemic, how will you support struggling readers now that there are fewer teachers/specialists in these positions of support?
Laura Wright
Laura Wright wright.laura@gmail.com
Noelle Hilgart <ellie_hilgart@yahoo.com>
1) completely revamping the social studies narratives from years past, now focusing primarily on racial issues and injustices in all lessons,
2) revamping sexual education curriculum materials, while simultaneously assuring parents that the teachers are adequately trained in bringing up some personal and emotional topics at the right developmental ages for our youth, while also balancing and respecting all religious family beliefs in the district and all comfort levels instead of what the admin team deems is developmentally appropriate
3) Getting rid of the long standing math acceleration program throughout the district which negatively affects the mathematically gifted demographic
4) limiting/cutting reading specialists for those kiddos struggling the most with phonemic awareness and fluency?
How can those changes benefit or hurt our children further? Where do you stand on thirst issues and how in depth will you be looking at curricular materials for said topics do that we feel that our kids are learning is best practice for PUBLIC school remains in alignment with all values and sentiments, not just those at the top. Also for those at the top, how are they held accountable for these drastic changes as we have seen from our older kids curriculum to our younger kids getting a new experience. Who makes these changes and how does new curriculum get checked and balanced?
Sarah Neikrug teamsv@geiger.com
Sarah Neikrug teamsv@geiger.com
Below is my Question
Many of the current school board goals are associated with ambitious, longer term outcomes related to equity and achievement.
What are some of the shorter term metrics you believe we should be tracking and sharing along the way to determine if the current initiatives are working and contributing to the longer term goals or if they need to be refined or changed?
Helene Rosenblum
Many thanks!
Yuval Salant y-salant@kellogg.northwestern.edu
Kiera Kelly kiera.kelly@k2-pr.com
Kiera Kelly kiera.kelly@k2-pr.com
To the challengers, do you want to eliminate advanced math? If it has been eliminated, would you advocate to restore it?
Kiera Kelly kiera.kelly@k2-pr.com
Sorry if I am getting these questions in a little late:
As a candidate will you support curriculums that teach students and their families about racism, white supremacy, white privilege and how to be anti-racist? And will you support curriculums about LGBTQ+ and other equity and justice issues?
And can you see these systemic issues as more than a one time curriculum or lesson but as a lens through which all decisions in the district should be made?
Thank you,
Stacy Jaffe
Stacy Jaffe stacyconnection@gmail.com
Stacy Jaffe <stacyconnection@gmail.com>