The Evanston Public Library (EPL) Board of Trustees will vote Wednesday, August 19 on whether to permanently close both North and South Branch (CAMS) Libraries. Based on previous discussion it appears that a majority favor permanent closure of both branches. Reasons for closing discussed by the board include equity, staffing, and social distancing.
CSNA has written a letter to the EPL Trustees stating our position opposing the closing of the North Branch. The letter can be found here:
Our sister organization, the Southeast Evanston Association (SEA), has also written a letter opposing the closing of the South Branch (CAMS). That can be found here:
Central Street Evanston (formerly Central Street Business Association) has also written the EPL Trustees to advocate for the North Branch. That letter is here:
The Trustee meeting will be held virtually at 6:30 PM via video or telephone conference. All interested parties in Evanston are invited to participate and to speak during the Public Comment period at the beginning of the meeting. Those planning to speak must register ahead of time.
The information packet and agenda for the meeting will be posted here:
Instructions for joining the meeting via video or phone are here:
(This page also includes the link to sign-up to provide Public Comment.)
Residents may also contact the EPL Trustees. Contact information information is here:
(Please note that the Trustees whose terms are listed as "expires: 6/30/2020" are still on the Board and apparently will be voting on this issue.)
The members of the EPL Board of Trustees are nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council. Contact information for these officials is here:
6th Ward Alderman Thomas Suffredin:
7th Ward Alderwoman Eleanor Revelle:
Mayor Steven H. Hagerty:
Links to recent press on this issue are listed here below:
Evanston RoundTable 7/17/2020: "Will Evanston's Branch Libraries Stay Closed Forever?"
Evanston RoundTable 7/17/2020: "The Public Square - Close CAMS and North Branch: Reader"
Evanston RoundTable: 9/17/2019: "Library Board Mulls Weighty Scenarios Such as Closing CAMS and Shifting Resources"
This issue is also trending on the local Nextdoor Neighbor network as a General topic originating from the Kingsley neighborhood.
The Evanston Public Library Friends (EPLF) page on Facebook is also discussing this issue:
CSNA will continue following this issue and posting additional background information.
FYI: You can reach us at:
... or at: