On Nov. 1, the MWRD Commissioners deferred action on the Keefe Family Trust request for an easement to build a road at taxpayer expense to the Keefe property adjacent to Golf Terrace, Isabella Woods and along the 10th hole of Canal Shores Golf Course. It was clear that the votes to oppose the road were not there on the 1st.
The item is now calendared for Nov. 15. A lot of news has been generated on the easement, and the groundswell of support for Canal Shores and the community to oppose this request. Several of the commissioners are now "lame ducks" with new commissioners to be sworn in to serve in December.
It is expected that the community will again be well represented on teh 15th, and neighbors are encouraged to write and call the Commissioners, and members of the Cook County Board.
CSNA is on record opposing the use of public lands to benefit a private developer/individual. CSNA has written to the MWRD to oppose this propsal. It will have a negative impact on wetlands and drainage; the environment - native habitats, old growth valuable trees; recreation, and nearby homes.
Learn more at the Canal Shores website, www.canalshores.org and the campaign "DONTPAVE10!
Additional information can be found at Friends of Isabella Woods on Facebook and Natural Habitat Evanston.