We have entered another election cycle ... for the Primary Election coming March 20.
Come November, the 17th District -- and half of the Central Street neighborhood -- will have a new representative in Springfield.
You can get off to an early start this cycle by attending a special forum hosted by
Central Street Neighbors Association for the
17th Illinois House District Candidates.
The forum is set for Thursday, February 8, at 7:00 p.m. at
Three Crowns Park located at 2323 McDaniel Avenue, Evanston
There will be a forum and Q and A. Candidates will distribute literature and meet with attendees informally before and after the forum. Refreshments will be served.
All residents of the community are invited to attend. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Email your questions for the candidates to:info@centralstreetneighbors.
There are six candidates who have filed to run for Representative in the 17th District ... five Democrats and one Republican, The five Democrats have accepted the invitation to participate. We are waiting to hear back from the Republican, Peter Lee.
Here are the candidates of record with links to their campaign websites. (Note that Theresa Coomer officially dropped out the race.)
Candace Chow (D)
Evanston 60201
Pete Dagher (D)
Skokie 60076
Alexandra Eidenberg (D)
Wilmette 60091
Jennifer Gong-Gershowitx (D)
Glenview 60026
Peter Lee (R)
Wilmette 60091
Mary Rita Luecke (D)
Skokie 60203