Scoreboard, Sign on Tap at SPAARC 9/12

The agenda for the Site Plan and Appearance Review Committee ("SPAARC") for 2:30 pm, Wednesday, September 12, 2012 includes a proposal for a large scoreboard sign at Northwestern University’s tennis courts, 2250 Sheridan Road, and a request by Walter Wysocki for a variance to the sign plan for the Subway restaurant at 1937 Central Street.
Appearance before SPAARC, which consists mainly of City staff, is a preliminary public step in a proposal for a change requiring approval of the zoning authorities and/or the City Council. The Committee reviews preliminary designs or proposals to decide whether they generally fit in; sometimes suggestions are made but the large majority of concepts are recommended for approval. SPAARC meetings are open to the public, in the Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 2404.
